crazy ass night…

You know you had a really awesome night when you wake up in the morning and ask the girl you’re sleeping next to, "What the hell happened last night?"

Haha no nothing happened between me and said girl. But, last night was insane. It is Spring weekend at my school so Lani (my future roommate who is also like on of my best chick friends here) and I decided to get incredibly drunk. It was just crazy. I remember bits and pieces of what happened and Lani filed me in on the rest of it so yea…I never want to forget this:

-I was really drunk

-I told Lani about my "self made" dildo (a brush handle) and the story behind it (not going into it right now..maybe never)

-We played the game 21 (I actually remember like all of that because I was drunk at that point! yay!)

-I danced around to sexy songs in my sports bra and jeans. (Oh god!)

-I apparently was yelling outside he window saying hi to people and was disappointed when no one was out there..and I was creeping at the peephole in my door as well watching to see if people were out there (why am I such a creep? *facepalm*)

-I "fell" twice…we haven’t clearly established if I actually fell or just decided to sit on the floor randomly…yea..thats me for ya..

-I was making moves on Lani…I just make moves on everyone don’t I? I need to stop being such a flirt…its gunna get my dumbass in trouble one day..

-Poor Daniel had to witness all of this..he had ambulance duty really late last night and couldn’t get drunk with us….but we saved him some smirinoff…poor Daniel

-Apparently Dani (other future roommate who is like hilariously funny) called and I talked to her and didn’t understand her so I passed the phone to Lani who managed to get out that we were fine but eventually had to pas the phone to Daniel saying, "Here, you’re the only sober one here."….yeaa I remember none of that…

-I told Lani about the time Alex came on my face because I sneezed at the wrong time and she told me a really funny story about her friend. 

-I kept repeating "I’m not drunk" over and over again….I don’t remember doing that…

-Lani and I had to pee so as we were crossing the common room Lani says, "You can’t walk a straight line can you?" and I say," Lani I can’t walk a straight line when I’m sober.." Thankfully the RAs were not on duty in the common room…we woould have been fucked cuz I said that really loud…

-I am Captain obvious when I’m drunk ("Hey Lani did you know pretzels make your mouth go dry?")

-I forgot Lani was with me the entire time…I asked her when we got there at one point…

-I told Lani I loved her a lot…while I was peeing…awkward bathroom conversations…

-Apparently when Daniel said next time hes going to video tape me being drunk I said I wasn’t going to watch it…fuck that I’d watch that shit over and over and over and over and over andover….

-I wasn’t drunk at this point but Lani like whispered something into my neck and I got really turned on….awkward moment when your future roommate turns you on…

-I wanted to call Alex and call him a douche bag…I don’t remember that in the slightest…

That was pretty much it except for one more thing that I saved for last…

I told Daniel that I loved him…

Holy mother of fucking God what the fuck did I just do?!?!

Yea apparently I was like "hey..I wanna tell you a secret…I love you..but I’m just too afraid to tell you…"

I admit everyone on OD and to myself I do love him…I didn’t intend to tell him though until like much later…I’m afraid I scared him off…..

I know its only been like 2 and a hlaf months…but yea…I do…I mean I don’t expect him to say it back because I know he takes time with this stuff but, yea…I fell pretty hard for him. I just really hope I didn’t ruin anything between us. Last night Lani told me that I told him that I loved him. I confronted him about it when we went to the elevator as he was returning to his room. I was like, "Lani told me what I said to you..and just know just cuz I was drunk doesn’t mean I didn’t mean it.." Or something like that…and then I was like, "You know you’re the only guy I care about right?" and he didn’t answer so I asked him why we wasn’t answering me and he was like "That’s a hard question to answer.."

So yea I had my arms arond his neck and my head in his chest and I couldn’t even look at him in the face and I said "I’ve said way too much tonight so I’m just gunna go before I ruin anything" or something like that..

Then he went upstairs…and I went back to my room. and I was sad but Lani made me feel better…

Oh! and then he came down cuz he forgot his phone I think…and yea then he left…no kiss goodnight …no hug…nothing….that really stung he kinda just like ran away….it hurt but I guess I understand…

Oh well…I’m going to go ….I’ll write more later see ya <3


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April 29, 2012

Sounds like a wild night. 🙂

May 1, 2012

That does definitely sound like an intense night. I have you bookmarked but it never showed me that you had updated, so I just checked it out and noticed you had. Super weird!