What’s my name again?
“I come here sometimes, to hang out with some friends. It can get pretty monotonous around here.”
It’s from a music video. One of the things to be on repeat in my head today. I don’t know why things get “stuck”. It’s like a skipping record player, one sentence will replay. It can be my own, a song lyric, something I counted, something someone said. It’s pretty irritating in my head.
I can’t breathe. There’s something sucking all the air from my lungs and it’s making my hands numb. I can’t concentrate and I feel the urge to do everything running or on my tiptoes.
Why can’t I cry? Was it two years of sobbing that has caused this? There’s buildup, back up, old tears inside me wishing to get out, but I won’t cry.
If I could concentrate on one thing, that’d be great. No, I’ll wait…