im trying.. to quit……

Okay starting off today, I have an addiction of nicotine. Tomorrow I’m gonna take a 2 week break and if I know I can live without it but I just can’t. So that’s why I’m taking a break. I’ve been vaping for atleast an year almost, I just don’t wanna anything to effect my health. I started birth control and since the doctor tells me and tiktok that it causes blood clots anywhere on your body and a higher risk of heart dieaeses. Im very terrifed of that so I decided to take a break. I honestly might be writing a lot tonight because I just got into this whole diary, i meannn not really i always have a journal with me. When I cry I write it in to express my feelings, and when Im older I would totally read it and be like “wow madelyn your so weird”


xo madelyn

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October 13, 2020

This book helped me, almost instantly. PDFdrive is an excellent source for free book downloads. I would suggest anyone struggling to kick the nicotine give this a chance. It’s an easy read, and with time off, even better. Best wishes Madelyn

You aren’t crazy ok? I applaud you for trying to quit. 🤗😃

October 20, 2020

Good choice and good luck. I’m the only one in my family who never smoked, and both my parents and my brother have quit over the years..though it was far more difficult for some than others. It is important to have people around you who are supportive and helpful with it.