not sure why

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. it’s been a while since my last post, and for no real reason i feel like i need to say something deep and important again *pulls out and dusts off soapbox*

religion. a great thing when used correctly. but there are times when people use their religion as an excuse to do bad things. the spanish inquisition, the salem with trials, the nazi persecution of the jews. people attacked others for doing something that they “werent supposed to do”. true all of those things were large scal and had body counts, but what about the persecution going on in our very own houses?

to religious parents:

look folks, i dont care who you are, what you do for a living, or how good or messed up your kid is, you cannot force them to take your religion. you may think you’re doing whars best for them, but they have an idea too. they know what they believe in, you dont. if youre catholic, then teach your kid about catholicism, dont cram it dotn their throats and then scold them when they choke. them not having the exact same beliefs as you doesnt mean they’re bad people, or even lesser people. it means they are curious enough to ask themselves adn hopefully their mentors why they are doing this, and what makes this right or wrong. these are the children who will go places. they are the ones who will stand up and say that they believe something to be wrong, instead of simply disagreeing with it quietly. our children are taught from an early age that individuality and free thought are what set us apart from animals. what right do we have to tell them that in our diety’s eyes, we are supposed to be all the same. for christians, if we say that anybody that doesnt believe in christ will burn in hell, what about the budhist (pardon my spelling, sleep deprivations sucks) who never hurt a single living thing, but devoted his life to peace and enlightenment? to the muslims, if we say all those who dont believe in allah are infidels who need to be cleansed, what about the christian charity worker who risks live adn limb to help others for nothing but a few thank yous if that? dont all of the major world religions teach peace, love for fellow man, and personal improvement through reflection? what right do parents have to tell their children that something in your child’s heart is less important than what you yourself hold most dear.

to scared and confused children:

trust your parents. they brought you into this world, and cared for you while you were incapable of even expressing a thought. every day we are alive, we owe our parents those very lives we take for granted. we see those horrible stories on the news about parents killing their babies instead of putting them up for adoption. in this messed up world, there but for the grace of God go we. it’s hard as hell to raise a kid, and it takes a special person to be able to do that. our parents put up with alot of our bullshit for a lot of years, and dont ask for a whole lot in return. for this, we MUST give them the benefit of the doubt. if they think something is best for you, then try it objectively, fairly, keeping whats best for everyone in mind. as far as faith, learn from your parents, ask them what they believe, what they hold in their hearts as truth. dont do away with it all together, but dont blindly follow their lead, either. we are capable of free thought, of individual faith, to waste that is the greatest dishonor.

do not fear your parents. they kept you this long, chances are they’ll keep you a bit longer. they love you, you cant spend years of watching someone grow up and not have so sort of love for them.

try to make things work. meet your parents halfway. if you dont want to get your barmitzfa (very sorry for the horrible spelling), then learn what you are to learn, analyze it. if you can find those teachings, whatever they may be, ringing true in your heart, then by all means, go for it, take the big step. if you dont find the truth in those words, then try something else.

everyone with any religious convictions fears something bad for their children, be it Hell, reincarnation as a bug, or some other form of eternal damnation. but we must ask ourselves, how do we know WE are right. maybe the aztecs had it right, maybe the romans did, maybe the creepy guy yelling about the apocalypse on the street corner knows his shit. we dont know, that’s why it’s called faith. we hope that what we believe is the “right” thing. maybe God did get bored and decide to make the universe, maybe the BIG really did BANG. maybe God told the big bang to bang. whatever the cause, the effect is still the same: people will fight over whose faith is right untill the end of time when we all find out for ourselves. in the mean time, however, we must be very carefull when convincing others of our religion. physics still works reguardless of our faith. every action still has an oposite reaction. if you try to kick a log all the way across a field in one big kick, you’re gonna break your foot. but maybe you can get the job done if you go down to it’s level and roll it only as fast as it can go.

till things are brighter.


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so, i found your journal through someone else whose i found through someone else etc. and this entry made me smile, mostly because i’ve been struggling for religion for sometime now, and it’s been made harder to figure out because my parents are Catholic and would rather have me be that religion too. thanks for writing something worthwhile to read.