17 and 1300

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. i know, i know, it’s been months since i’ve written, but be not alarmed, i’ve been stalking the new posts quite vehemently, adn am up to date on all things on my favorites list. furthermore, i think my eyesight is going, cuz im havinh a hard time focusing from my keyboard, back to my screen. but that could also be due to me sitting in the dark living room at 12:30 am. so please excuse the many spelling errors.

so yes, it’s been over two months since my last post. the football team finishes up the season a dismal 3-6. i went out for wrestling again, against my better judgement, and quit again, because the coach is still a maniac. im still going out with laura, we had our 7 month anniversary about a week and a half ago. i got her earrings, she got me cinnabon flavored chap stick. i ate almost half of it the first day.

so there are the bare bones up to dates on my actions over the last 2 months. i’ve been lifting for about 3 weeks now, and i finally made it to the 1300 club. for those of you who ahve no clue what im talking about, im pretty sure i made a post a while back describing it. it was pretty cool, i got 1300 even by deadlifting 435 lbs. by backs a little tweaked out, but i’ll live.

and now for the adolesant angst that’s been urging forth as of late. i’ve spent alot of time thinking about something: why do the bad things always seem to happen to the best people? im not sure if i should be putting this out on the internet, but i’ve got nowhere, else to go without burdening people… laura’s quite possibly the best things that’s ever happened to me. i love her more than most of you can know (there’s one person out there that knows, and you know who you are). she’s just a good person, kind, fun to be with, and she keeps me in line (you’d be proud, sis). she took away alot of my demons, but she’s got so many of her own. she’s under alot of stress from school. she’s in national honor society (NHS), she’s captain of the dance team, she’s one of the best dancers at her studio. her dad’s a prick. he’s making her get confirmed. she’s called me in tears several times because they had a fight, and he took some cheap shots. even though i know she’ll read this eventually, i cant help but want to rip her fathers legs off and beat him with them. she cries like that, and im never there. it’s always on the phone. i dont know if it’s good or bad. it’s a nightmare, because i cant hold her, i cant let her soak my shirt like my sister did. but it’s a blessing, because if i was there, i’d slit her dad’s throwt. it’s a nightmare, because every tear she sheds is a dagger in my heart. it’s a blessing because she trusts me to dry those tears…….a friend of lauras died a few weeks ago from a heroin overdose. i never knew her, but the things laura told me made me cry for her too. DAMNIT! she doesnt deserve this! she deserves to live the perfect life, have the perfect family, love the perfect boyfriend….i cant give her any of them… all i can do is be there when she needs it, gone when she doesnt, and break legs on command. im sorry i mark my return with a midnight bitch-fest, but that’s what i do best, right? that and play THE MUSIC!!!!!

Song of the day

Champagne Supernova

by Oasis

How many special people change

How many lives are living strange

Where were you while we were getting high?

Slowly walking down the hall

Faster than a cannonball

Where were you while we were getting high?

Someday you will find me

Caught beneath the landslide

In a champagne supernova in the sky

Someday you will find me

Caught beneath the landslide

In a champagne supernova

A champagne supernova in the sky

Wake up the dawn and ask her why

A dreamer dreams she never dies

Wipe that tear away now from your eye

Slowly walking down the hall

Faster than a cannonball

Where were you while we were getting high?

Someday you will find me

Caught beneath the landslide

In a champagne supernova in the sky

Someday you will find me

Caught beneath the land slide

In a champagne supernova

A champagne supernova

Coz people believe that they’re

Gonna get away for the summer

But you and I, we live and die

The world’s still spinning around

We don’t know why

Why why why why

How many special people change

How many lives are living strange

Where were you while we were getting high?

Slowly walking down the hall

Faster than a cannonball

Where were you while we were getting high?

Someday you will find me

Caught beneath the landslide

In a champagne supernova in the sky

Someday you will find me

Caught beneath the landslide

In a champagne supernova

A champagne supernova

Coz people believe that they’re

Gonna get away for the summer

But you and I, we live and die

The world’s still spinning around

We don’t know why

Why why why why

How many special people change

How many lives are living strange

Where were you while we were getting high?

We were getting high

We were getting high

We were getting high

We were getting high

We were getting high

We were getting high

We were getting high

We were getting high

We were getting high

nothing from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

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December 18, 2005

Well welcome back! Congrats on the lifting thing. Some of my guys friends…thats all they talk about lol but yea congrats! I know what you mean though…about the bad things happening to good people. i just hate that. But i mean it must happen for a reason. Even though im sure most people dont deserve what happens to them! ~Kristen~

i am so happy that you have found someone that you care about this much and who cares about u. just one piece of advice. its not always good to see some you care about cry, i mean hell look what it did to you, it burned that sadness into your mind and heart. i dont want that for you. i am however very 🙂 that you are :). we need to double date or something. i love you !ur lil sis~

November 21, 2006

aww, I know Dustin feels horrible several times a week when I call him crying. I’ve called him bawling before, and I know he wishes he was there with me. BTW: You havent done song of the day on your latest. tsk. <3 manda