of shutouts and long bus rides home

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. no, im not dead…not yet at least. i’ve just had alot on my plate as of late.

ok, first topic: school, my hell with flourecent lighting. im doing alright in there, all a’s and a C+ in advanced algebra. the drama’s unfolding rather nicely, the typical who’s dating who, who had sex with who, who’s pregnant, who had a kid. (no worries, the last 3 aint me). i’ve got alot of shit going on at school, projects and the like…

second topic: personal stuff, the juicy tidbits before i drop my overflowing bucket of rant on your head. yes, im still going out with laura, this past thursday was our 5 month aniversary. i know, counting months seems a bit immature to some, but in highschool, a month with the same person is a big thing. so yeah, i decided that for the last few, i bought her stuff (which ment no extras for nick) like flowers, or a friggin huge teddy bear, so this time i’d make something for her. for those of you who know me, im not the most artistic person in the world. i art comes in cleats and a helmet. but i’ve been told i have a way with words, so i decided i’d go for the grandaddy of all cliche’s and write her a poem. i didnt like it a whole lot, but i gave it to her anyway, and she said she loved it, so that’s a plus. we havent been spendind a whole lot of time together lately, just because we’re both realy busy all the time. it gets kinda frustrating sometimes, cuz i’m willing to drop whatever i’ve got planned wth kelby and/or the matt to hang out with her, and we still dont get alot of time together. the tiny, insecure part of my mind i keep hidden in the bowls of my consciousness keeps howling at me “she’s avoiding you!” but i beat it back with a 2×4 and put it’s gag back in. still, i hear the echos of posibility reverberating in my head. oh well, best to play trusting and get screwed over than paranoid and wreck something good. but enough of the fun stuff, it’s time for a heaping helping of bitchy teenager RANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i’ve had that saved up for quite a while)

football is my life, i’ve made that blatantly clear. we were doing pretty good for a while there, we started out 0-2, but won 3 in a row, and we were on a role. then we played hartford, we got embarassed 49-0 then we played coony tonight, or last night now, and were again disgraced 24-0. the worst part isnt that we loose, i can handle that, but the thing that really hit home for me was that nobody even cared. i shouldnt say nobody, the matt cared, i sure as hell cared, i dunno about the rest of them though. by the time we got back on the bus, they were already fucking around and laughing. we play the best team in conference next week, and im fairly certain we’re not gonna win. not unless we fix alot of things. i dont think they can all be fixed though, they have to grow more than anything. we’re not a team anymore, we’re a bunch of testosterone driven meatheads running around in football gear. nobody’s playing smart, nobody’s stepping up. our captains were sitting on the bench (reserved for the injured only) and talking about random things when the second string went in. it’s not a pretty picture. our coaches are running out of ideas. nobody has a reason to play anymore. the seniors have their college teams going, and the juniors and sophmores are too bigheaded to realize that they cant do it themselves….i need a nap, but first… ON TO THE MUSIC!!!!!

Song of the Day

Smells Like Teen Spirit (gold star to whoever get the irony here)


Load up on guns and bring your friends

It’s fun to lose and to pretend

She’s over bored and self assured

Oh no, I know a dirty word

Hello, hello, hello, how low?

Hello, hello, hello, how low?

Hello, hello, hello, how low?

Hello, hello, hello!

With the lights out, it’s less dangerous

Here we are now, entertain us

I feel stupid and contagious

Here we are now, entertain us

A mulatto

An albino

A mosquito

My libido




I’m worse at what I do best

And for this gift I feel blessed

Our little group has always been

And always will until the end

Hello, hello, hello, how low?

Hello, hello, hello, how low?

Hello, hello, hello, how low?

Hello, hello, hello!

With the lights out, it’s less dangerous

Here we are now, entertain us

I feel stupid and contagious

Here we are now, entertain us

A mulatto

An albino

A mosquito

My Libido




And I forget just why I taste

Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile

I found it hard, it’s hard to find

Oh well, whatever, nevermind

Hello, hello, hello, how low?

Hello, hello, hello, how low?

Hello, hello, hello, how low?

Hello, hello, hello!

With the lights out, it’s less dangerous

Here we are now, entertain us

I feel stupid and contagious

Here we are now, entertain us

A mulatto

An albino

A mosquito

My libido

A denial !!

A denial !!

A denial !!

A denial !!

A denial !!

A denial !!

A denial !!

A denial !!

A denial !!

nothing from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

Log in to write a note

hey loser its me.. i miss you and i love you. im having a hard night and i need you. ~ur best friend and sister.. ps. wat r u doin friday

November 5, 2005


December 4, 2005

RYN:Thanks your note was one of the best and I really needed to hear that, Your the best and super sweet.. Huggs Mermz

November 21, 2006

oooh i got the irony. aww you’re meathead with a kind heart. counting months isnt immature. but then again, now you’re counting years! *sneer* yeah im jealous, so what loves <3 amanda