story time

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. please forgive the probably glaring typing errors, as it’s late, and i havent slept much lately.

so yeah, i tried changing the format a bit, cuz i was bored, and because i thought it could give some life to my otherwise mundane writings.

so i got in a car crash last tuesday, got t-boned by a minivan. el camino’s beat up, but we can fix her.

was gonna go to six flags again today, but work ashley was being a bitch, and wouldnt give us a ride down there. fucking ashley…

football is a month away, so i’ve been trying to push myself harder, so i can get good enough to play. coach spaeth (the head coach) wants eastman (a mother fucking stupid stoner) to move from tackle to guard, and shnieder (annoying, chauvanistic asshole) to move from defence to guard. so unless coach lew (line coach) tells him not to mess with a good thing, ie. the nick line. we’ve got our shit down, and we’re good at what we do. we can adapt faster then eastballs, and know what we’re doing. unlike either of the other two.

abruptly switching gears…

things with laura are going great. we’re spending alot of time together, and we’re really close. it’s been over two months, and i can honestly say i love her. she’s starting to open up now, she lets me kiss her when our friends are around, im glad she’s more comfortable with that now. she hasnt told her folks yet, and im not gonna rush her, but her mom seems like she’d be pretty understanding, and her dad cant hurt me too much, cuz i brought him pig roast, and today homemade cherry jelly…it’s good stuff. im not sure how they CANT know about us yet, what with all the time we’ve been spending together as of late. she leaves friday for a two week vacation in michigan, so expect more frequent posts here…

i’ve got a dentist appointment tomorrow at 10:45, and i know exactly what they’re gonna say “you need to floss every day” i hate flossing, i hate it with a passion. if i wanted to cut my gums all to hell, i’d use a razor, not a piece of waxy string.

went to the tom petty concert at summerfest, it was FUCKING awesome! it was me, laura, sherman, katie, and the bear (sarah). the concert was amazing, every good tom petty song you can think of, and a few new ones. there’s were lighters in the air the entire time. the only down side was the walk out. being a biggest music festival in the world, in the city famous for beer, it’s an understatement to say some of the people leaving were sloshed. everybody was full blown smashed. this made laura pretty nervous, but i threw a few shoulders and elbows, and got us through safe and sound. the, while walking the 1 1/2 miles back to the car, some skinny guy bumps into sherman and yells “what? you wanna go? you scrawny mother fucker?” now, normally, this would be scary, excapt it was sherman. he’s about 6 foot, and a very, very solid 285 pounds. he could have dropped this guy in a heartbeat, and i was right behind him (im about 4 inches and 50 pounds lighter, but just as intimidating when i wanna be).

so yeah, now you’re about caught up on my excuse for a life, so i’ll go and get my 5 required hours of sleep and get ON TO THE MUSIC!!!

Song of the Day

Sympathy for the Devil

by: the Rolling Stones

Please allow me to introduce myself

I’m a man of wealth and taste

I’ve been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man’s soul and faith

And I was ’round when jesus christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain

Made damn sure that pilate

Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name

But what’s puzzling you

Is the nature of my game

I stuck around st. petersburg

When I saw it was a time for a change

Killed the czar and his ministers

Anastasia screamed in vain

I rode a tank

Held a general’s rank

When the blitzkrieg raged

And the bodies stank

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name, oh yeah

Ah, what’s puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah

I watched with glee

While your kings and queens

Fought for ten decades

For the gods they made

I shouted out,

Who killed the kennedys?

When after all

It was you and me

Let me please introduce myself

I’m a man of wealth and taste

And I laid traps for troubadours

Who get killed before they reached bombay

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

But what’s puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah

But what’s confusing you

Is just the nature of my game

Just as every cop is a criminal

And all the sinners saints

As heads is tails

Just call me lucifer

’cause I’m in need of some restraint

So if you meet me

Have some courtesy

Have some sympathy, and some taste

Use all your well-learned politesse

Or I’ll lay your soul to waste, um yeah

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guessed my name, um yeah

But what’s puzzling you

Is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down

Woo, who

Oh yeah, get on down

Oh yeah

Oh yeah!

Tell me baby, what’s my name

Tell me honey, can ya guess my name

Tell me baby, what’s my name

I tell you one time, you’re to blame

Ooo, who

Ooo, who

Ooo, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Oh, yeah

What’s me name

Tell me, baby, what’s my name

Tell me, sweetie, what’s my name

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Ooo, who, who

Oh, yeah

nothign from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

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July 13, 2005

dude screw flossing, thats the dentists job. wtf this thing doesnt let u type the F word.

July 13, 2005

and another thing, that dont count as a car crash. now mine was a car crash

July 13, 2005

Yay for football time!! Huggs Mermz

July 14, 2005
July 15, 2005


July 16, 2005

f*ck … that’s im half asleep…

November 21, 2006

giggle giggle