
hey there boys and girls, and those with a little of both. as the title hints, this one is all about pain.

so today is mother’s day. not only do i not have any money to buy the mom unit a gift, but i had to work from 11-7. that. was. a. bitch. we were projecting 6000 dollars, about twice as much as a normal really bust day. so we were all hauling ass all day, and i was in charge of pulling the chicken out of the fryers, so needless to say, i’ve got some massive burn marks on my arms.i got one thats about 1/2 inch by 3 inches. it’s a big’n.

my feet, knees and back all kill, but since i was standing for 8 hours, i kinda knew it was coming.

right now my whole family is pissed off cuz my sister, being the omni-discusting sack of ass she is, locked her keys in her car. idiot.

abruptly shifting gears…

so yes, as some of you may know, dana and i broke up about 2 weeks ago. im alright, and, since my friends wont stay the fuck out of my business, im going out with laura. i cant say im sad about that, cuz she’s awesome. but i still feel like a dick about hurting dana. she’s all depressed and sad now, talking about how everything in her life gets taken away, and she’s miserable. i know how bad it hurts, i’ve been there…alot. i cant say i didnt try to make things with her work. i cant say i didnt hurt her, i cant say im not an asshole. but saying it makes me feel better about myself. it hurts like hell, but we agreed that it was for the best. i couldnt keep it up anyway. (from nick’s narrow point of view) i tried really hard to be understanding. i could handle being second place to managing wrestling, i could handle her dad not wanting her to date, i could handle her being best friends with some one i’d rather not speak to in the next 12 years. but there had to be a line drawn. i turned my back on emily twice for dana. she asked for my help on new years eve, and i pretty much told her to go away. she was crying to me over the phone at a party, and i damn near hung up on her cuz i didnt want to keep dana waiting. and what happens? i wait all week to just spend some time with her, and she calls up and tells me she wont be there, cuz she’s tired. it hurt really bad…. ya’ll know about the v-day crash. that was even worse. she used her dad as an excuse not to do anything, or at least thats what it seemed like to me. ya know, after 4 months of going out, i never actually got to spend any more than 3 minutes alone with her. someone else was always tagging along. ever wonder what it’s like to want nothing else but 10 minutes with someone you have really strong feelings for, and NEVER get it? yeah, it sucks…ya know? she asked me not to make a big deal out of this on my OD, but i dont know where else to bitch about stuff. so, im sorry dana, i dont try to be a prick, it just kinda happens when im frustrated with myself…

Song of the Day

She Hates ME

by: Puddle of Mud

Met a girl, thought she was grand

fell in love, found out first hand

went well for a week or two

then it all came un-glued

in a trap, trip I can’t grip

never thought

I’d be the one who would slip

then I started to realize

I was living one big lie

she fuckin’ hates me


she fuckin’ hates me

La La La love

I tried too hard

and she tore my feelings like I had none

and ripped them away

she was queen for about an hour

after that, shit got sour

she took all I ever had

no sign of guilt

no feeling pain, no

in a trap, trip I can’t grip

never thought

I’d be the one who would slip

then I started to realize

I was living one big lie

she fuckin’ hates me


she fuckin’ hates me

La La La love

I tried too hard

and she tore my feelings like I had none

and ripped them away

[Guitar and drum set solo]

that’s my story, as you see

learned my lesson and so did she

now it’s over, and I’m glad

‘cause I’m a fool for all I’ve said

she fuckin’ hates me


she fuckin’ hates me

la la la love

I tried too hard

and she tore my feelings like I had none

and ripped them away

la la la la la la la la la love


la la la la la la la la la love


la la la la la

and she tore my feelings like I had none


she fuckin’ hates me

nothing form nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

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May 8, 2005

nick, i hope things get better for you..!

May 8, 2005

i was singing that the other day at school… sorry bout the burns… that would suck… i have an itty bitty burn on my ear and that hurt like hell so i can imagine how bad a massive burn on ur arm must b…. ~*Kelly*~

hehe i saw you and the girlfriend during the fire drill today 😉 lol.. damn, you need to learn to leave your hands off eachother! :p lol love ya xoxo

May 9, 2005

shut up, ive locked my keys in my car…twice

May 10, 2005

i kno how that feels. my friend would always tag along wenever i went to see rick (yep you probably know who he is from my diary) and i guess that stopped us … ya know … then again that could just be me shiftin the blame! i still love her anyways lol peace out x