
hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. today’s topic is about how we fit in with others.

now, how many of my faithful (or just bored) readers have at one point longed to be just another face in the crowd? *raises hand* i have more times than i can count. but in the last..almost two years, i’ve realized something. please excuse the morid nature, but im gonna die someday. novel concept, non? but long after my body is maggot food, what then? will people walk by my incredibly awesome gravestone and say “wow, kool coffin cap”? or will they say “i remember this guy. he was wierd as fuck. he was hilarious.” personally, i’d like both, but the latter is preferable over the former. can you see what im getting at? ANONYMITY IS THE ENEMY!!! we all die, and the only things left behind from this life are corpses and memories. i think memories are a little easier to keep smelling nice, so i’d rather have people hold on to them. those memories can either be the “kid that was in my english class”, or the “that was gengler, he’d give his left nut to get somebody to laugh”.

what im trying to get at here, is that our time is limited. far too limited to worry about looks, fake friends, shallow enemies. we need to focus more on being ourselves than being someone’s sidekick. confidence attracts people. hell, look at me, i hardly had any close friends till i decided the hell with it, and yanked the headlight out of the homecoming beating car, and gave it to Rabbit. we cant spend our lives worrying about what the world thinks of us. i prefer to spend my life having one hell of a good time, and if that brings me friends, the it’s a perk of the job.

yeah, we all want to fade away into the woodwork once in a while, and thats fine. but when we come out of said woodwork, i think we should come out in a blaze of glory. “you dont like me? then fuck off, cuz i dont like you either.” there are so many faces you pass durring any given day, maybe one of them could be a best friend some day. maybe they could save your life. SO TALK TO THEM! say hi to random people, make a fool out of yourself and laugh about it. even if you just get somebody to roll their eyes at how wierd you’re acting, thats enough for a start. we dont have to go friend hunting, friends will make themselves known if we have the courage to let ourselves be known. but enough of my random and very poor grammared (is that a word) shpeiling, i have to get to bed, it’s already midnight o’ six, so i’ll leave you with a quote of the day

Quote of the Day

“Build a man a fire and he’s warm for a day. Light a man on fire and he’s warm for the rest of his life.” – unknown

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May 3, 2005

*raises hand*

May 3, 2005

it’s not “fitting in”. it’s my inability to integrate my self perception with socialization with others. i feel distant, and sometimes without cause. i have a hard time feeling comfortable with others. i don’t care what most people think of me, it just seems that all too often the ones i do care about find me unappealing. but i need someone. stephanie

May 3, 2005

now i’ve actually read your entry, and yeah, it’s not the strangers that disturb me. i do say hey to strangers and try to strike up unprecedented conversations. i’m enough myself to not be just someone in the crowd, i know. it’s not them, not the crowd. it has always been the ones close to me that i find upsetting. anyways, this sort of talk is making my head ache. the point is befuddled by words.

May 4, 2005

$175- two 12s and an amp

May 6, 2005
May 10, 2005

lol i think you’re right. my fiends and i sometimes go into town on a ‘friend making trip’ and see how many interesting new friends we can make. it involves going up to random stranges and, well, making friends with them, usually by asking for a hug, sounds sad, but it feels great! that’s how i met rick. u shud try it. its fun. peace out x