just feel like bitching (rated R for language)

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. tonight, i will grace all my faithfull readers with another of my whiney, bitching (not in a good way), rants. for starters, my track coach is a cock. actually, several of the track coaches are parts of the male anatomy. example: they decided to put me in a track meet. finally, right? i mean, i’ve been in one all season, so it’d be nice to throw in a meet, right? WRONG! they put me in a fucking varsity meet. i threw 37’5″, where most of them broke 45′ 50′. i fucking embarassed myself. it wouldnt have been as bad if it wasnt a pity meet. they fucking knew i wanted to save at least a little dignity, but they fucked me over anyway. and to top it off, the high school football and track star Nate Dahl, who recently got busted for an underage DUI with burnt mary jane and 4 grams of coke, got athlete of the week, and is “one of the best team leaders we’ve had in a while”. yeah, choach smith’s a fucking cock. rewarding a stoner coke head. FUCKING RETARD. he deserves to rot in a pile of shit in mexico durring a massie heat wave. he’s a fucking twat. my throws coach is just as bad. because of him, his negligence, and his fucking drills, both my knees feel like they’re on fire, even when im sitting down, my back aches perpetually, and my left arm doesnt move as much as it should. i think i made it worse on saturday cuz of the guys’ vollyball tournament we had. i could hardly walk after that.

speaking of saturday, dana came and watched us play, but refused to acknowledge me outside of telling me to go away…that hurt. i was realy upset about that, cuz she had no problem goofing around with kelby or derek, but i came up to stand next to her, and she tells me to back off…i didnt even smell that terrible. that night when i asked her about it, she just started calling herself names, and said she didnt want her dad to find out about us. i still dont understand that. does he not want her to be happy? i can understand that he doesnt want his only daughter to get hurt or corrupted, but if i talked to him, i think i could convey the fact that, despite the clothing choice, im a good person…better than alot of people at the high school, or at least i think i am…am i? anywho, thats enough angst and profanity for one evening/morning, so lets get ON TO THE MUSIC!!!

Song of the Day


by: Tenacious D

This is the greatest and best song in the world…


Long time ago me and my brother Kyle here

We was hitch hiking down a long and lonesome road

All of a sudden

There shined a shiny demon

In the middle of the road

And he said

Play the best song in the world or I’ll eat your souls

Well me and Kyle……. we looked at each other……

And we each said…..


And we played the first thing that came to our heads

Just so happened to be

The best song in the world

It was the best song in the world…

look into my eyes and it’s easy to see

one and one make two and one and one makes three

it was destiny………

once every hundred thousand years or so when the sun doth shine

and the moon doth glow and the grass doth grow

Needless to say….

The beast was stunned….

Whip-crack with his whippy tail

And the beast was done

He asked us

*snort* Be you angels?

And we said nay

We are but men


aaahhhh aaahhh ahhhhooowhooohooo hoowoo hoowoo aiyahaaho

This is not the greatest song in the world, no

This is just a tribute

Couldn’t remember the greatest song in the world

Yeah no

This is a tribute

To the greatest song in the world


It was the greatest song in the world


this is the greatest motherfuckin’ song, the greatest song in the world oh

*barbershop quartet-style bit*

And the peculiar thing is this my friends

The song we sang on that fateful night

It didn’t actually sound anything like this song

This is just a tribute

You gotta believe me

And i wish you were there

Just a matter of opinion

pow Good God

Gotta love him

So surprised to find ya can’t stop him

nothing from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

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April 25, 2005

holy cow :S you really did need to bitch. well, hopefully, this coach will take this stick out of his ass. good luck x amanda

man that does really suck.you know who his lil’ pet is.a coke crack head leader oh yea thats what everyone person that plays sports needs to look up to!RIIIGHT!That is so stupid.I would be pissed too!Its so not fair.Hopefully everyrthing will get better for ya!

that sucks! when i was in track, my couches were nice. one talked way to much though!!! well take care! *hugs*

April 26, 2005

crazy dude. its nate dahl u cant be mad at him.

May 10, 2005

that is the best song in the world … me and my pal once sang it out of a hotel window at 1 in the morning in utrecht, holland and got quite a crowd …. also sang stairway to heaven … it was an experience! peace out x

October 25, 2006

i’m just reading random old entries, and i just had to laugh at this, nick! You’re hilarious. 😛 <3 amanda