insomnia part 2

hey there boys, girls, and those with a little of both. at the tone, the time will be 1:04 AM…beep. yes, it’s exam week, i should be studying my ass off, but instead im here in the wee hours of the morning, rambling on about things most people dont even care about. oh the wonders of having no sleep schedual at all. anywho, on to the pitiful musing that is my life.

so yeah, tomarrow is going to be a fun filled day. it’s the last full class day of the semester, so we prolly wont be doing anything important. i get a pass to go wherever i want 7th hour, cuz we’re taking our essay part of the bio exam then, and im exempting. hehe. sucks for you Stacy. anywho, after school i lift weights like i always do, but i have to get my parking pass tomarrow…mental note. moving right along, tomarrow is a big day for my friend, so i promised i’d spend the day with her. only problem: she is at school till 7 at night. so im gonna pick her up from basketball practice, then we’re gonna go hang out somewhere, prolly get a cake or something, and just hang out. and dont worry my love, nothing will happen, i swear on my life and my honor. (i know that sounded wierd, so if you dont get it, it’s not for you.) anywho, after that i have to come home at about 9, so i can study for my US History and my Spanish exams. im only worried about spanish, since i kinda doze alot in there; but hey, if i pass i get a B for semester. kool.

abruptly switching topics, im trying to think up a good speech for football. i’ve been wanting to give one of those big, motivational HOO-RAH speeches for a while now, but have settled for the yelling things before breakdown approach. anywho, it might be hard next season, since we’ll be the juniors on the varisy team, but it’s worth a shot. so yeah, im about done. and since my format is still being a fucker, i herby cease the posting of a song of the day untill further notice. to stand in its place, however, i will begin a quote of the day begining with my personal favourite: Courage and honor endure forever, their echose remain when the mountains have crumbled to dust. nothing form nowhere, im no one at all, nick.

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January 17, 2005

if u decide u need help with that speech, just let me know. 🙂 and even though I’m not ur gf, nothing better happen with that friend of urs! lol. j/k. I trust u enough. ne ways…good luck with exams!

thanks for the note! that’s so just pissed at some of my so called friends right now.-eva

hey hun. yeah, i heard about the cake.. 😛 sound yummy! 😉 lol.. well, i hope you guys have a fun time with that. (eat some for me, will ya? …lol) well i’ll talk to later. xoxo

January 17, 2005

good luck on ur exams!!! luv {mon}

Nick my main man, good luck on your finals! It’s exam week for us too and I’m actually not too freaked out about it anymore! congrats on your B for the semester, that’s pretty damn good. I’m on my way to a 4.0 for semester, so wish me luck! -Elle

glad your night was fun with your friend and glad nothing happened. lmao. luv ya ttyl

January 22, 2005

How is the speech coming along?

good luck w/ exams…and its ok that ur not studying…none of us do! *a*

January 23, 2005

hey there…just wanted to tell you i havent told him yet and that u should check out my diary i wrote some entries about it! love ya -Linds