
ok, it’s 2:00 in the morning, i’ve gotta get up in 4 hours, but i cant sleep, so i figured i’d spread some sunshine to the world of those 15 or so people that read this diary.

so yeah, i stayed home sick today, because i needed to get caught up on some sleep, and because i didnt do my english paper that was due today- er, yesturday.  I still havent done it, but it’ll only be one day late when i turn it in tomarrow.  oh well.

im also starting to write a story, but im not sure if i’ll actually write it, or get 2 chapters in and lose interest, it’s been know to happen before.  Its about a goth kid that plays football (guess who?) that gets moved away because of a big witness protection thinger, and struggles with fitting in and his own identity.  and suggestions or requests are greatly appreciated.

I would like to take this time to ask advise from any and every female that reads this.  my girlfriend, from what her friend tells me, is rather uncomfortable around me.  I do everything i can think of to get her to lighten up, but it seems to have the opposite effect.  Im out of ideas, but i dont wanna give up, because i really like her.  ASSISTANCE REQUIRED

and now for a rant: 1:30 in the morning, so, about a half an hour ago, my sister comes stampeding through my room like an angry bison, turning my light on and effectively blinding me, all to tell my mom that she’s going over to fletchers house for a while.  MY FREAKING GOD, doesnt she have anything better to do? ya know, like go to college, get a real job, SLEEP!  but on the upside, she isnt beached on the couch again.  so yeah, she pisses me off.

well, im gonna try and salvage what dream time i can get. im out.

Night Shift

by O.A.R.

It’s 3 a.m. and i wanna go to bed
I got a lady running through my head
Ran out of money, looking for a night shift
It’s 3 a.m. and i wanna go to bed
I know this lady, way down in my country
She was so pretty thet my eyes threw disguises at me
An we would sit and wonder ’bout the future
But now i’m thinkin’ that today sounds fine to me
Well i’ve been working for days on full time
I’ve got no money but everything is goin’ fine
But i’ve been tired in my head,
said i’ve been tired in my head…

It’s 3 a.m. and i wanna go to bed
I got a lady running through my head
Ran out of money, looking for a night shift
It’s 3 a.m. and i wanna go to bed

I know this lady with eyes as blue as the sea
Now she would sit and stare directly through me
And that laugh would take me to the future
Throughout the past, there was nothing left for me
But i’ve been working for days on full time
I’ve got no money but everything is goin’ fine
But i’ve been tired in my head
Said i’ve been tired in my head…

Its 3 a.m. and i wanna go to bed
I got a lady runnin’ through my head
Ran out of money, looking for a night shift
It’s 3 a.m. and i wanna go to bed…..

Its 3 a.m., I wanna go to bed
I got a lady running through my head
Ran outta money, i’m lookin for a night shift
It’s 3 a.m. and i wanna go to bed

Wanna go to bed…
wanna wanna go to go to bed…
wanna wanna wanna go to bed….


nothing from nowhere, im no one at all. nick.

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December 1, 2004

man i dig ur diary. in my old blog, hidden somewhere in the catacombs of the od records, i used to have a song for every enrty. thats cool. now i still name every entry after a song or lyric. i like the way you think. peace out x

December 1, 2004

wow! i write stories and give up a couple of chapters thru too! n as 4 ur gf, its usual for gals to feel uncomfy around their bfs … its a sign they like them … try mirroring her body language, itll make her feel that you are both on the same level good luck peace ut x

December 1, 2004

I’m from PA, I go to Pleasant Valley. Our school is kinda hickish and Michael and I were an interracial couple (he white me black) so it’s something they were never used too so they used to stare at us. But it’s all in the past and the school eventually got used too it. He was somewhat insane and the school looked at him as a threat. Thank you for reading my part of my story. ~Kami R.

December 1, 2004

RYN: Thanks! I pride myself on my ranting. Haha, I’m really not as miserable as my entries may make me sound. As far as your girl situation, I would recommend not trying so hard. It’s probably causing more tension than good because she can sense when you are trying harder than normal and instinctively think you’re doing it to cover up for something else. OAR rocks, by the way. -Mia

who is ur girlfriend:S

December 1, 2004

hope things work out with the girl nick! and put me in your book! that’ll be exciting.. good luck with that. hope you’re feeling better.-aly