Chilly Holiday!

Well, we had a great Christmas, all three boys, my daughter in law, grandsons and the boys’ sister Jessica all under one roof for the entire day.  Everyone enjoyed one another’s company and spent the time playing board games after opening presents.  We came home to find out the storm had knocked out our power, and it didn’t come back on until today.  With the weather near freezing, it was a bit uncomfortable since we have an all electric home.  No lights or heat at all.  But, we survived.  The boys and I went out under the old stilt home we use for storage.  We blocked the wind with tarps and used a huge cast iron kettle to build a fire, and spent the time pretty cozily.  A fortunate side effect of the wind storm was plenty of firewood from the limbs blown down from the trees.

Our lights came back on around 6pm, so I ran to the grocery store and then made dinner.  The house has finally warmed back up, and we’re just relaxing until bedtime.  Brian is on his computer watching movies, Brad is playing video games, and I’m catching up on a couple of days worth of OD entries.

Nothing major going on, Brad has been on really good behavior the last few days, so I’m hoping it continues.  His friend Dylan has been gone, just called and said he’ll be back home in  a few days if Brad wants to hang out.  I know that Dylan is one of the guys he smokes pot with, so that concerns me.  Not going to anticipate problems before they happen though.

Other than overspending and being extremely short on money until monday, everything is good.  Thank God for peaceful waters.

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love the peaceful waters times.

December 27, 2012


December 28, 2012

Wow I’d have been miserable with no heat at this time of year – good improvisation going on there! Glad there are peaceful waters just now – do you think Brad is being influenced negatively by Dylan – bit of peer pressure going on maybe?