Rest In Peace, Johnny Nash

I’m sad tonight to learn that we have lost a beautiful soul in the world of music.

Johnny Nash passed away at the age of 80.  His legendary song of hope, “I can See Clearly Now,” is my favorite song.  It has never failed  to bring a smile to my face and a feeling of deep gratitude and happiness the countless times I’ve listened to it.

The words, the music, the singer — this song has everything.  It was  Number 1 for four weeks in the summer of 1972, a year that was pivotal and unforgettable for me,  as the following Spring I graduated from college as an English major and was on the cusp of experiencing the best years of my life in the ensuing decade of the 1970s and early 1980s.

It was in the fall of 1972 that I found my first apartment and didn’t have to live in the dorm my senior year of college.  You can’t imagine how happy I was after looking all summer for just the right place.  I found it in a small, furnished one-bedroom apartment two miles from campus.  It had a tiny living room, bedroom and kitchen.  The kitchen had a big window fan to draw in fresh air from the outside down the hall to cool me off as I prepared my first ever home-cooked meals (hamburger patty  and frozen corn, boiled up just right). There was a small window unit air conditioner in the bedroom next to my single bed, which was a bit noisy, but did the job in the stifling heat of the afternoons.  I loved the big, ancient, beat up sofa in the living room, which exhaled clouds of dust whenever I plopped down on it.   It had a small narrow front porch just wide enough for me to sit outside for awhile after I few tired of studying. The  rent was cheap , too.

I still carried terrible memories of a rather traumatic first year of college in 1969-70, but by Autumn of the  golden year 1972, I was happy and content.  I had a heavy load of courses for the Fall and Spring semester, but that bothered me not at all.

As I lay in bed reading one of many novels for my English lit courses, I can recall listening to the beautiful words and melody of “I can See Clearly Now,” playing on the radio. All was right with the world.

As this surreal and frightening year of the pandemic enters its ninth month, we need Johnny Nash’s song more than ever.


I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way

Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day…






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October 7, 2020

@zombieinfusedtea  Sad, indeed, but his music lives on.

October 7, 2020

Oh wow. He and Eddie Van Halen on the same day. Think they left because they formed a new band Up There?  Seriously though… talk about double-shock. Since celebrities of my time started dying back in 2015, every time one does, it feels like a piece of my life is falling off of me. Not sure how much sense that makes but that’s what it feels like.

October 7, 2020

@thenerve  Yes, it was a sad day, but they will certainly live on in their music, and I will continue us to listen to “I Can See Clearly Now” over and over.  I’ve listened to it for almost 50 years now and it gives me as much hope as ever!

October 7, 2020

@oswego – I’m glad you can see from that positive of an angle. I have an impossible time pressing forward when something close to me dies. I somehow can’t handle, internally, the concept of death.

October 7, 2020

I didn’t know the name but I do remember the song coming on the radio during my childhood days. This is a nice dedication to him.

October 8, 2020

@catholicchristian   Thank you!  His music will certainly live on, especially “I Can See Clearly  Now.”

October 7, 2020

Ahh Midnight Special. We so looked forward to who was going to be on Friday nights.
Yes a great song – that second video really captures the beauty of the song.



October 8, 2020

@duskvigil   Midnight Special had all the great artist of he day.  It would be nice to go back and do YouTube search and see the variety of acts.

October 7, 2020

I really liked his song too….why is it all the good people have to go?

October 8, 2020

@jaythesmartone  That’s a good question!

October 8, 2020


Here is another question? Why can’t trump just die or be moved to China?

October 10, 2020

I do remember this song and I’m listening to it right now as I type this.  You are right, we need this music especially now during this pandemic.  We need hope of bright bright sunshiny days to come.  I enjoyed reading the details of what your apartment was like.  You have a VERY good memory.  😋

October 10, 2020

“I loved the big, ancient, beat up sofa in the living room, which exhaled clouds of dust whenever I plopped down on it.”  I think we have all had a sofa like this!  Your description of yours reminded me of the old gold and orange sofa that Mike and I inherited from his parents when we married.  That thing sat in front of a big bay window in our apartment and like yours, one could see the dust as it escaped the cushions when a butt made contact with the ugly hand me  down.  Oh what I would not give to sit upon that couch in a cloud of dust and watch TV with Mike or watch over my children as they played.  We were poor, but oh my goodness were we happy.  You can bet, “I can see clearly now…”

October 11, 2020

@simplylora  I really enjoyed your note, and am so  happy it brought back memories of one of your early apartment experiences.  I just cannot convey in mere words how much I loved that first apartment during my senior year of college.  It seems like a very long time ago now!  *sighs*