There are some days when I don’t notice the absence. Well, I do, but it’s minor. There are other days when I notice how much that voice and hug are missing. Today is one of those days.
I went to the Fantasy Shop to pick up the next Supreme Powers comics. I knew it was Tuesday, but I didn’t relate that to my brain. Tim usually spends Tuesday night at the shop helping Mike load the comics. I muddle me way up the shop (in the beautiful rain) and as I come in I expect the “Hey, Blondematchbox” from Mike, but not seeing Tim.
That was cool. I saw him for a mintute or two. Talked to him for a second while I picked up my stuff. As I was getting ready to leave, as always, a conversation ensues within the shop that I find interesting and I get involved in. It was about Highlander: The Series, in case you are wondering. Anyway, as that was dying down another friend of mine walked in and I talked to him for a bits.
The clencher of the night? Mike was closing up shop and instead of me just walking out the door I get a pull on my jacket. Someone decides they want a kiss goodbye. You think I’m going to complain? Nope. Only it makes me miss him. Kisses goodbye always tend to.
My cure? Reading some of his old work. Only I think that just made things worse.
kia kaha ( stay strong)…arohanui
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