full moon fever





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Another quiet day at the shop. January, the month of resolutions – to not spend frivolously, to lose weight – and also the month of many bills from Christmas. The tourists who come to the valley to mountain bike are in the mountains trying to ski. It is slow, slow, slow.

I was feeling a little better today. My ears are still plugged up, so I cannot wear my hearing aids. Fortunately, all of the regulars know I am hard of hearing and yell at me.

An old friend stopped by the shop to see me. She is another veteran, an MP, who rides with the patriot guard. She hadn’t heard from me in a while, so she stopped in to check on me. I used to meet her at the bookstore regularly to share our writing, but my husband’s girlfriend works there. It is awkward, so I only go in to buy books and get out. We are going to have to find a new place to meet.

A friend of mine is a Buddhist, or thinks she is. I don’t know what exactly makes one a Buddhist, if there is some sort of initiation or if you can just start saying you are one and that makes it so. Anyway, she has been studying for many years. We met for a walk this afternoon on Watson Island because the Botanical Gardens where we usually meet is closed for the month. In that vague, roundabout, dreamy sort of way many self-proclaimed Buddhists have of speaking, she asked me, “whoever decided that birds are free? They can fly wherever they choose, but if they have no branch to land on they might regret having wings in the first place. Perhaps true freedom is having a home to return to.”  

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January 8, 2012

I have another diary friend who is with the Patriot Guard Riders. I think last year she averaged almost one per month, it’s a sad duty. It’s rather like adding insult to injury that your husband’s girlfriend also has made your bookstore awkward for you to visit. I’m very sorry. I’m amazed that my hearing is still good. I have been going to auto races without hearing protectionsince the age of two and I spent ten years of my life working on the race cars, tuning them, being right beside them with no hearing protection. In my youth I only fired .22LR and outdoors that’s not bad at all but since I’ve had my current job I get to spend quite a bit of time firing a SCAR or M4 in full auto on our indoor range while someone fires an M240 five feet away. Even with doubled hearing protection it’s very loud. If things are really quiet I have just a tiny bit of tinnitus but it’s not very noticeable.

January 9, 2012

RYN: I’m glad that I’m not the only one! Gives me hope that they’ll stand up to the abuse I’m sure they’ll receive. I told my husband I’d send him with the mini glue gun and some sticks, so he can repair them if he needs to… or do crafts with his CHOO mate.

January 10, 2012

RYN: Thank you for your note, but it’s too late for me to just stop this. I can’t. I’ve tried.