Grand Theft Foliage

The moon is shrouded by thick clouds. Silently, unobserved, the black form slips between the shrubbery seemingly unaffected by the stifling heat and humidity. Surely, an innocent life will be disrupted this night. Finely honed, the intruder’s weapon slashes at her victim, severing its ties to this earth. Prize in hand, the yard ninja slips away.

The part of Sagami Hara I live in is full of foreigners. We are a very transient lot, especially over the summer months there is about a 30% turnover. When people move out, the landlord comes in and does repairs and clears the garden often destroying beautiful plants in the process. The yard ninjas sneak into the yards of recently vacated houses and appropriate the plants. There is an art to being a yard ninja and I have been lucky enough to be schooled by two of the best. First, you must case the joint in the daylight to be sure the occupants are truly gone and not just on vacation – this also allows you to pick in advance which plants suit your purposes. Then, after dark and dressed in dark colors you sneak out armed with your trowel and plastic bags or buckets (really audacious yard ninjas may also use a wagon). The best time is around 2300-2330. The national curfew for those 20 and below is 2300, so those people will be off the street by then, but it won’t be so late that a person out and about would arouse suspicion from the local police. The trick is not only to remove the chosen plants from the former neighbors yard without detection, but to get them planted in your own yard without it looking too obvious. Everyone knows that everyone else does it, but no one will say anything if you are slick.

My two friends are out of town, so I was on my own solo mission tonight. My yard is almost entirely shade and rather swampy most of the time, so hostas are about the only things that grow very well in it. Our near neighbor didn’t have any hostas, but she did have a few river rocks and those were my target. I psyched myself up for the mission by listening to my favorite spy jazz cd and spraying myself down against the ravages of the local tiger-stripe mosquito. After slipping out the back door, I hugged the shadows cast by my massive cherry tree. The last forty meters or so were open lot lit by a street lamp. I slowly low crawled to a stand of trees (I would have attempted the “sniper pancake” but the former occupants of the house had a Labrador – I didn’t want to “pancake” in a dropping.) I gathered my chosen stones under cover of cedar and prepared for the most dangerous part of the mission. Low-crawling with two buckets full of rocks would be impossible. I would have to cross the open area in a crouch and at a run. I steadied my breathing and found my center. I started out soundlessly enough, but in haste I forgot about the pipe cover which clanged loudly in the relative quiet (it is never truly quiet here). My heart was hammering as I peeked out from behind my tree – no one was looking. The stones are in my potting shed until the heat is off. The other yard ninjas will have no idea who it was who struck first. I came into the kitchen smudged and feeling pretty satisfied only to find my daughter staring at me with a mixture of disdain and dismay. Ah, but she is still young, she doesn’t yet understand hana-do, the way of the yard ninja.

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June 28, 2004


June 28, 2004

You wrote that story so well, it sounded as adventurous as any of your Bosnian forays! RYN: I was pretty sure you were up-to-date, but some of those things are very sneaky. I got one just this weekend that made my IE text go to the maximum size every time it tried to pop up. Netscape seems more stable, but it’s also less intuitive so I only run it as a backup. Good luck. Tom-

June 28, 2004

Loved this!! Last fall i went on my own “yard ninja” forays…usually early on a Sat or Sun morning….to pick the neighbor’s apples! (they’d given me permission to help myself, but i never felt right doing it mid-day, lest other neighbors think I was stealing)

I wish people around here understood this art. My mom came back to the house she was slowing moving out of to find the neighbors taking all the hazelnuts off her tree. She asked them what they thought they were doing and they replied no one lived there. She let them know that yes, she did too still live there…. ryn-good idea, now, who did I loan it to? lol

June 28, 2004

: )

June 29, 2004

Ah the tiger striped mosquito, not the spotted amazonian one, the proud asiatic tiger striped mosquito that can only be approached by a man atop a castle on a man of war. Oh incompetence! My dreams fail to cause, of pure diversion of will, the tiger striped mosquito I dream of, but rather one of implausible shape or the head of a cat or the ass of a dog.

June 29, 2004

yeah i hope they can get all of my entries to work again too! the long distance is going alright, i’m so looking forward to moving back to school, only 46 more days n 6 minutes left to go!! it would be a lot nicer if we didn’t have to deal with the distance, but it’s kinda made us a lil bit closer, because it absolutely forces us to talk, and not just chill together, i dunno can’t wait to see him!

June 29, 2004

lol oh my goodness that’s one heck of an experience i’m sure, all i have to say is bravo!

July 2, 2004

Ha ha. I’ve never stolen anything so brazenly. Only stereos and TVs and that, when I was a youngster 🙂 I also view shoplifting cool shit for girls as the only way in which I am remotely romantic. Take them with you and get them to pick things, it’s all very breathless and full of foreplay.

July 2, 2004

RYN:thanks for the advice, anything at this point helps to at least make me feel a lil better. though with the way things have been lately, like his whole attitude towards going back to school in the fall as changed from can’t wait to see you, to i can’t wait for school so i can get a job. i’m supposed to take a trip july 12-16th down to see some friends and to see him as well, but he doesn’t seem

July 2, 2004

too interested in that, and i honestly would just skip the trip had i not promised my friend who was supposed to get married during that time that i would come see her, because i’m not sure it’s such a good idea. i think when i do go tho, i’m just going to drive from where my 1st stop is to his place, for the day, don’t want to ware out my welcome. i’m just really confused, thinking i let my heart

July 2, 2004

get the best of me, when i probably should have heeded what my head said about not getting involved, but i couldn’t resist, i just love every little thing about him, but i suppose that’s what everyone says, i mean he’s got his flaws that i don’t like at all, like his occasional drinkin, he is 21 so it’s not illegal, but i love him just the same. i dunno…i really don’t know

July 3, 2004

ryn: Hamilton is fab! Love that Anita.