access block?

It is amazing how you always want something when you can’t have it. My diary was in the 10% affected by the great OD hacking incident of 2004. I was unable to even access my diary. Therefore, I was chock full of ideas for stuff to write about and had no outlet. Now that I have my diary back, I am drawing a total blank. In addition to having my diary disrupted, I also seem to have a virus. It causes my computer to attempt to access the internet every few seconds. I have tried everything and its driving me nuts. I can’t help but wonder if it wants online so bad then could it be using my computer to conduct various nefarious deeds whilst I check my email? Most perplexing.

I took advantage of the grey, drizzly day to clean my house – top to bottom, pulling out furniture and appliances, cleaning baseboards, scrubbing the stairs and other whatnot. I think my house is clean enough that IF the US Ambassador to Japan decided to unexpectedly drop in for tea tomorrow, I wouldn’t feel mortified. (Sir, that was not a suggestion; actually, I plan to be out tomorrow.)

As I am out of thoughts at the moment (you know, the minute I post they’ll all come rushing back), I shall close with a bit of my own poetry:

Cool moss grows

Devouring my body

Refreshing my soul

Thinking stops and breathing slows

Buried under the shady oaks

Where the damp moss grows

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June 26, 2004

I always love your writing! Have you installed Ad-Aware and Spybot? I have to run those every week because of all the annoying ads and popups that I seem to get. Try doing that and see if it helps. Tom-

June 26, 2004

I was in the unlucky 10%, too. Dreadful, wasn’t it? And what a relief to finally be back!!

mm…i especially liked the ‘thinking stops/bretahing slows’ bit… cheers for your note… i’m quite enjoyng being angsty at the moment. i suppose once you realise you’re just being melodramatic it is quite pleasurable. must run, tally ho! and take care

June 26, 2004

surprising how 90% of the diaries I’m reading were included in that 10% that was affected! me thinks they may have underestimated the problem.

I only lost mine for a day but one of my friends just got hers back too. When all else fails I use wordpad but I just plain go into withdrawl all the same. Ryn- *nods*, every time I touch it they all start standing around saying “can I use it after you?” and I haven’t even got the email checked yet… I limit their turns otherwise they take hours each and Mommy goes crazy…

June 26, 2004

There’s a free program called Zone Alarm that will block unauthorized programs (i.e., viruses) from connecting to the internet. I was one of the 10% affected too. I’m starting to think 10% was more like 50%.