Catching Up

Wow. It has been awhile since I’ve written. I’ve been busy – not really accomplishing anything, just trying to get caught up. It is a never ending battle just keeping the kitchen clean. Somehow, just when you think ALL of the dishes are done, someone goes into the kitchen for a snack and winds up involving a sinkful of dirty dishes and the candy thermometer. Just when you think ALL of the laundry is done, someone pops in with a bagful of stinky gym clothes and says she needs them by tomorrow and can she borrow my black stockings. And, I think canned Friskies must actually be Chinese food, because one hour after he eats our ever fattening cat is hanging around begging for a snack. I did finally get caught up on my filing in preparation for doing our taxes. Yes, even though we live abroad, we are US citizens and have to file taxes.

Several months ago I found a chair in the gomi (trash). This weekend we painted it matte black and red (I wasn’t sure about the matte black, but it looks fabulous). Then, we got some kimono fabric and covered the seat – the pattern is red and black. It really looks good 🙂

My most beloved made another pot of broth this weekend in his ever widening search for the perfect ramen recipe – no, not 17 cent packages or cup o’noodles, but real honest to goodness Japanese ramen (yes, I know ramen was originally a Chinese dish, but the Japanese have made it their own – it is practically a national dish). I think today’s was his best yet; what he really needs, though, is a bigger pot and a pig’s head. There is a ramen shop between here and Hachioji which is rumored to sell its recipe. My loved one checked it out on Friday; I went along for the ride. The ramen was pretty good, kyushu style and had corn and a piece of cheese on top. I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the cheese :/ The place was really tiny – about seven seats, but business was good – all locals really, so we felt pretty pleased with ourselves for actually finding it.

Wednesday was my birthday, and what a wonderful birthday it was! I was awakened with a new ski jacket, hat and gloves, so I will never be cold. A song was played for me on the radio – “Keep on Lovin’ You” (I wonder who that was from “wink”). We went out for ramen for lunch in the mall in Ebina and picked up cake at my new favorite bakery, Fujiya. The trip to Ebina was fun as it was the first time we’ve gone in the car rather than the train. It was easy – we just followed the train tracks.

My daughter purchased a pair of Oaklies. She had wanted them for a long time, but my husband and I would not buy them for her. She saved her money from DJ’ing to buy them – I think she’ll value them more. She DJ’s at the teen center; in fact, there was a dance on Saturday. Nine of the international schools on the Kanto Plain got together for a sort of mixer. The schools seem kind of isolated and I guess it gets kind of incestuous after awhile – they needed to intermix the bloodlines a bit. Apparently there were over 400 kids there and everyone had a great time.

Well, I have some catching up to do with everyone – I’ll try to be back tomorrow 🙂 Have a great day!!

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January 25, 2004

It must be a bit difficult socially to be in one of the international schools, my graduating class was 400 people and we had over 150 kids just in Marching Band so I was accustomed to having a large pool of people that I was acquainted with. I’m sure she had a great time:^) Tom-

January 25, 2004

Nice update…guess I should go to my diary and update my “life.” I have found though, black and red paint always go good together. I had a road sign that I once re-painted red and black…it was OUTSTANDING…! Laters…

January 25, 2004

Happy Belated Birthday!!! I’m glad it was a good day (birthdays should always be good days! *smile*) btw, what are “oaklies”?

January 25, 2004

happy belated birthday

Happy Birthday! your new chair sounds cool! 🙂 yes, what are Oaklies?

January 26, 2004

RYN: i can’t speak for Max (i think he’s dead, anyway), but personally, i don’t mind. After all, i found it on the web, where it’s there for everyone! *smile*

I like how you call him your beloved 🙂

February 28, 2004

glad you updated and that everything is going well …