even my legs fell asleep

We went to see the “Return of the King” this evening. The movie theater was completely packed more than a half an hour prior to showtime. I loved the first two movies; I was totally there in Middle Earth fighting evil with our heroes, and I was disappointed when they had to end. I know I am going to be the lone critical voice on the internet, but “Return of the King” just didn’t do it for me – please forgive me. This movie felt long. It was slow and it didn’t need to be made any slower by slow motion filming, sad music and extraneous, sweeping shots of whatever. I mean, I know the orc army is big – how many times do you need to show me? You have sufficiently proven that the elephants can be taken out – do I really need to see it another six times? Yes, yes, fighting, killing, emoting, fighting, killing, emoting – on and on. I almost think Iraqi Freedom took less time. The guy next to me started pulling a MST3K and made comments throughout the movie (often something about Dawson’s Creek). Still, I am glad I saw it to close out the movie version of the story in my mind (I read the books several times growing up, so the overall story itself was already closed out in my mind). And, it was an enjoyable evening out.

Today overall was fantastic. It was the perfect end to an amazingly productive week. My most beloved gave me a day off and brought me tea and cake in bed this morning. He made eggnog french toast. He baked chocolate cakes this afternoon and just served up tasty, sizzling bacon and eggs for dinner. It was a breakfast food-y kind of day – probably an indication that I need to go grocery shopping 🙂

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January 10, 2004

My husband made dinner last night…his specialty. He ordered pizza!! LOL (no he can’t cook…except for great cheese omelets). When we were in college, i tried to teach him to cook. Every Sat. we’d go to the grocery store, and use the dorm’s basement stove to fix dinner. Guess he decided it was easier to marry a cook than become one!

January 10, 2004

I frequently give myself days off, but unfortunately when I do that nothing gets done and certainly there are no good meals! ryn – thank you. Its a difficult position to be in. I don’t want to lie to the kids and pretend that he is a great father – I tell them he is a disappointment and some of the places he falls short because they need to know, but that he does love them and tries his best.

January 10, 2004

Well don”t feel bad, I for one saw the movie, liked it, but yes it was a bit long. Never the less…all done with now…! Laters…

it ends for me tonight. even if everyone bails and I go alone. the kids are going to be pissed when Irie tells them she knows we went to the movie but she isn’t even allowe to see them, her mom thinks it’s too scary.

January 10, 2004

I have seen the first two movies on DVD. They do nothing for me and it’s unlikely I will bother with the third.

I made an origami crane and I was very patient and really read the instructions and it came out great! I’m so happy! 🙂

January 11, 2004

I am off this w/e seeing *Return of the king*. I loved the two other, let see how I enjoy it now, the third! :-} Love and hug, Faerie

January 13, 2004

That’s the most positive review I’ve heard of that movie. Perhaps eggnog french toast should be served to all reviewers.

I enjoyed the movie, however the first two were much better.