don’t touch that dial

Warning: To follow, totally purposeless rant.

Why do radio stations think that people want to listen to oldies while eating lunch? It seems like they all have some cute version of “the retro cafe.” Do people think, “mmm, this turkey sandwich sure is good, but it would be even better with Eric Clapton!”? I spend my entire morning locked in the radioless recesses of a steel and concrete building, fighting an ancient mindset chiseled into the fabric of the organization; I have no desire to be assaulted by Joan Baez when I go out for lunch. You can’t escape it – even on the Japanese language stations they play enka (traditional music). Where is the new music? It certainly isn’t being played during lunch. It isn’t being played on the way home, for that matter, either. What is this “drive time traffic news” stuff? We live in Japan, for pete’s sake – the traffic is the same everyday! I could do the traffic. It would sound something like this: Short version – Everything is jammed; it will take at the very least an hour to go ten km in any direction. Long version: The Chuo Expressway is jammed. The Tomei Expressway is jammed. The Ken-o Expressway is jammed. The Kanetsu Expressway is jammed. The Joshinetsu Expressway is jammed. The Yokohama-Yokosuka toll road is jammed. (I think you get the idea here.) Somewhere great new music is being played and I am not hearing it! I have decided to boycott all of the products advertised during “retro cafe” and “drive time traffic news” until such time as new music is freed from its lunchtime/drivetime confinement. That will show them! Call amnesty international!

I had a wildly productive day, though my loved one had a minor relapse around 1000 this morning. For dinner I attempted to recreate a Chinese dish we had not long ago – Ebi Chili (Shrimp and Chili Peppers). It seemed to turn out OK. I’ll keep trying 🙂

I hope you have a great day!!

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January 6, 2004

Where in Japan are you? I lived there for a few months (backpacking) about 12 years ago and absolutely loved it there. As for my musical tastes they vary really, however I would have been happy with Eric Clapton LOL.

January 6, 2004

sorry, but i like my oldies. Now, though, the “oldies” aren’t oldies….they used to be my “newies” (but i still prefer them)

January 6, 2004

You know you’re getting older when the songs you used to boogie to in high school are “oldies” LOL. Ever since some low-life stole the stereo out of my work vehicle I have had to provide my own music in the car, but I do miss hearing real music. I mean, how many times can a person stand to sing “Midnight Special” in the car? Tom-

I tend to be a non-radio listener but the few times I’ve tried I’ve had the same result, all the songs from high school and I know there is new music I like but I keep catching it at wrong times consistantly. Loving that the new van has a CD player! 😀

ryn- we watched a few dvd’s and other movies but for the most part, didn’t even turn the tv on without our trusty sat. remote. 🙂

January 6, 2004

Love Japanese food (and I also love Eric Clapton – sorry! LOL). Take care. : )

January 6, 2004

I like the boycott idea. Hope they take notice and start playing the new music you’re looking for!

January 6, 2004

May be pointless…but you sure got a lot of notes from it…! Go figure huh…? Laters…