
In the past several days about a million (OK, I am exaggerating for effect here, but it feels like a million) ideas for diary entries have crossed my mind. However, I can never seem to get on the computer and when I do an entire three ring circus is going on in the house (I am not exaggerating for effect here). In fact I am currently sitting on the bathroom floor (entry to be transcribed later) just to get some peace and privacy – it’s not like I need privacy to sneak around and write clandestine (not covert, covert involves influencing foreign governments) diary entries; it’s just that I can’t think with Barnum and Bailey’s clown act going on 5 feet behind me. Sometimes I feel like I can never write because the rare times I get to the computer, I feel rushed and everything comes out all stilted and contrived. I am now going to laundry list some of my ideas, so that in the event I get some time and inspiration, or a comfortable chair in the bathroom, I can explore them in depth.

– Christmas and Gifts, the how’s and why’s of giving

– Casting out the Demons, an exploration of ritual purification and whether or not one religion’s purification rites will work on another religion’s curses

– New Year’s and Resolutions, the psychological need for an arbitrary date for new beginnings combined with the practical need for a yearly calender

– The Great American Novel I intend to write, since I now have an outline and interesting characters will I actually get around to it?

OK, so its not a million, there were several more which have been lost to the ongoing, overwhelming calliope music, I’ll stop here. Besides, my butt is getting cold. Please note, while there seems to be an element of whining in this entry, I actually find it all rather amusing. I would rather have my family at home, raising Cain (literally, I wouldn’t put it past them) any day. 🙂

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January 1, 2004

Happy New Year Light hug

January 1, 2004

No time on the computer? I know exactly what you mean – I have to sneak on somewhere between my two teenagers who “must” get on “right now!” lol (Actually, they’re not that demanding – I wouldn’t allow it! I just prefer to come on when the rest of the house is asleep!). Happy New Year to you, too – may your 2004 be full of joy and contentment. : )

January 2, 2004

Happy New Year. Hope you find more computer time this year.

January 2, 2004

Happy new year (this is a non note)

January 2, 2004

Happy New Year! Enjoy the chaos *smile*

January 2, 2004

LOL, now I have a mental image! I would love to hear about your ideas for a novel, I love books and reading. I will freely confess to reading a lot of fluff novels (John Grisham is my guilty pleasure) but since my all-time favorite is To Kill A Mockingbird I suppose I’m not guilty of that all the time. How is work going for you? Tom-

January 2, 2004

I use to remember days like that when I was busy as all get out with my kids and hope. Hope things do quiet down for you…and to help from getting a cold butt while sitting on the bathroom floor…use a towel. Take care and Happy New Year. Laters…

the bath mat might help. If I could take my computer into the bathroom, I would! I love my family too but it can get crazy.

one of my friends told me someone left an oragami crane at her husbands funeral, do you know if it has a special meaning?

January 2, 2004

I hate when I lose ideas because I can’t get near the keyboard … we’re supposed to set up the 2nd computer this weekend. We’ll still only have internet access on one of them, but at least will be able to compose on the other. Thanks for your editing help. The piece came out much stuffier than I had hoped – needs work to lighten it up some. But, it was a start!