
My beloved went on another business trip – just a short one, for some training. He’s only been gone for one day, and already I miss him (oh, so cliché). He snores; I mean REALLY snores. There are mornings when my daughter gets up, pathetically bleary eyed and grumpy, because she couldn’t get to sleep with all of the noise. It doesn’t bother me at all; I think it’s cute, kind of comforting in a white noise sort of way. In fact, when I wake up at night, even with all of the ambient noise here, it always seems strangely empty without him. Of course, Ivan Grozney (Ivan the Terrible), the hot pink dragon, has moved back into bed with me for the duration, but this time he is sharing the space with Gordon the wooly sheep (a new member). This morning there was a spider in the shower. He kept sliding down his web to about eye height, then he’d scoot back up to the ceiling; he was kind of amusing, but nothing like sharing the shower with my loved one. For one thing, he didn’t keep changing the water temperature. Nothing keeps you on your toes like a sudden, unexpected blast of icy cold water (except that by now I guess I should expect it). Our shower looks like the notions aisle at the grocery store. There are two shampoos, one conditioner, and three body washes. My daughter needs the trendiest body wash – right now she is smelling like electric vanilla (whatever that is). My husband needs scrub – something with huge chunks of scratchy gravel in it; though, his new scrub is not scratchy enough – it still leaves him feeling a little foliated. I use up whatever the other two have decided they didn’t like. Guess I’ll get off to work. I’m going to ride my bicycle today as the weather is fabulous.

Did you know, to stimulate your “ki” flow shower with progressively cold showers (after a warm one to wash) – 10 degrees C for 100 seconds. Do this for 100 days and you will reduce your cold incidence by 50%. Have a cold shower today!!

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Laugh and the world laughs with you; snore and you sleep alone. Snoring is cute? Wow, thats the first time I heard that.

Timex makes an alarm clock with ambient environmental sounds, one is beloved snoring, one for co-dependents with loved ones in recovery is the sound of retching and one for ex-patriated new yorkers is cabbies yelling at each other in English, West Indie and farsi. I had one I sold it at a garage sale to an S&M boy and his amazon mistress. Whew, I just don’t know when to stop huh?

Your shower sounds familiarly like mine, I’ve even my very own yet it ends up cluttered with the ‘bath goodies’. “But mom, yours is bigger..” I did however string barb wire around my garden tub.. off limits! RYN: There hasn’t been a wolf sighting here in over 25 yrs, but it would be just my luck if it were wolves. Thank you for stopping by. Take care,

i also find snoring oddly comforting. It’s a hold over from childhood. i love having a variety of body washes to choose from…but no cold showers for me! I like ’em warm and steamy!

What is it with men and exfoliating? Mine has this shower brush that’s all worn down to a nub, and he’s only had it a few months.