confession is good for the soul

I have a confession to make, here, in my last entry before hitting the triple digets. I did not come to FOD under the best of circumstances. I came to spy on someone else’s diary. My husband had an online relationship with another diarist. They emailed, chatted, phoned, and met each other twice (more than met each other). I was insanely jealous. I read her diary religiously, combing through it for indications that they were corresponding. Very often, conversations I had had with my husband would show up in her diary a few days later. I was so hurt. It is worse than mere physical intamacy. How dare he give to this woman things shared between us – even if it were just a joke or a discussion. They didn’t just break my heart, they stole some of my life, some of my memories. Things I used to share with him alone have been tainted by her. Books. Books that we read, that we discussed, conversations we had about them – he gave them to her; my only consolation was that all of the things they shared were hers secondhand. Still, I was reading her diary, and I kind of got to know her over time. I think if the circumstances hed been different, perhaps we could have been friends. You see, she was me. That’s why it hurt so much, I think. She was a younger, more naïve version of me – before my heart was broken, before I became practical, angry, fearful, paranoid, achingly lonely. Her dreams of being a secret agent, of writing, of adventures in the wide world, her love of books and new things. That was me. I have thought all of those things, felt all of those things. I think I almost feel more betrayed by her. I thought surely if I wrote and explained she would see and stop. But, no such luck. I don’t know if she got off on the “naughtiness” of it all or if she somehow felt justified as a homewrecker. Even someone driven completely batty can only obsess for so long, and I started reading other diaries. I came to care about the lives of others on FOD and started my own. By the 9th entry, I was hooked. The woman quit her diary months ago; I don’t know if it was because she was aware of my peeking, but I hope not. I hope she is writing under another name and doesn’t feel driven away. I also hope she saved what she had written, as some of it was very clever. My husband has vowed to me he’s given her up, and I have no reason to believe he hasn’t. I can only assume she has moved on to greener and unmarried pastures.

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For whatever reason you came, welcome to the community. You have contributed much to the site during your time here and I’m glad you didn’t give it up after the original reason for your visit was satisfied. I must confess, my samll-town curiosity has me wondering if I may have also read that other person’s diary, hehe. How awful of me. Tom-

I hope she’s out of the picture for good! :-

Whatever your intentions for coming here, everything happens for a reason. You cross paths with every single person for a specific reason. It takes the inquisitive mind of an aquarius to take the time to find that reason. Glad to have you here.

i’m glad you’re here, even if the circumstances weren’t the best. And i hope he has given her up, and she’s moved on.

although to a lesser extent (for it was a boyfriend, not a husband), i understand what you mean. except i my case, younger is not better, cos we’re still little babies the bunch of us. i hope things turn out wonderful for you. now to address the serious stuff, what do you mean no summer? you don’t have summer?? i over feel it. when it gets so hot you can’t move (think 45 degrees) it’s difficult..

difficult to ignore it… have a good one munkey. X

Some how I managed to miss this entry until just now.. I imagine it is hard on you guys to be apart for long periods of time.. I noticed whenever John would make a new friend that was female she was also a younger version of me… Although the reason you came here is not the greatest, I’m glad you did, I’m glad to read your entries and your notes of encouragement,the friendship you share…:)HUGS!