bits and pieces

Please no comments (as if anyone could comment) on the connotations of “bits and pieces” in any other language/culture. 🙂

I have been having trouble leaving notes. Wayward…congratulations on Panache! She sounds so cute. Take lots of pictures! I regret not taking more pictures of Stan as a puppy.

I am sitting here, the beautiful summer sunshine pouring through the windows and lighting up my cup of Lipton Yellow Label Tea. If you’ve been here awhile, you know I love Lipton Yellow Label Tea, and I usually drink it in a clear glass cup, to better appreciate the rich amber color. However, this is no ordinary cup of LYLT and no ordinary cup for that metter, either. Even though he knows I can get the tea here, my loved one sent a gift home for me from his travels – that’s right, LYLT! The package came with a commemorative LYLT mug! I think it was so thoughtful. He knows I collect tea paraphenalia, and in spite of his work schedule, he was thinking of me and managed to send this to me. So, I am currently drinking my morning LYLT out of my new mug. You can taste the love. 🙂

This weekend my daughter suddenly decided to decorate her room. I had been wondering if she was ever going to take an interest in it; it was VERY plain. We went and bought her a new bookcase. We had to get it from the car to the house, so we rolled it on her skateboard. We were laughing and giggling and I wondered what our neighbors were thinking. We also ordered some posters online. When I went in there to drop off some laundry this morning, I noticed she had hung a sheet from the ceiling – I wonder what that’s about?

We’ve had a few aftershocks, but not too bad. The big one on Monday scared me though. My beloved’s beloved bicyles are on a two-tiered stand in our living room. They were really rocking and swaying. I took them off the stand and plan to anchor the stand to the wall before I put them back up there again. He would be so sad if anything happened to them.

I guess I have to go to work. I really don’t want to – it’s such a beautiful day. I’d rather go for a bike ride. Oh well, that stuff doesn’t write itself!

Have a great day!!

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