
I’m back! For over a week I have been sitting here, a silent observer – unable to post, unable to leave notes. I have felt less like a member of the community and more like a stalker. On the outside my life here in Japan has gone on, unreported on as a number of entries have piled up on my desktop. I’ll probably post a few a day until I catch up. I’ll be busy leaving notes around, too, as all of my favorite people have been busy in the past week as well.

It’s good to be back!!

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May 8, 2003

i’ve been feeling left out of FOD, too…i can post, but can only note some people, and not others. FEH on FOD

May 8, 2003

Welcome back, and I hope this saves! I have tried to leave notes before but to no avail. I’m starting to prefer my journal at inthewire.com, this is frustrating. Tom-