Baby Stuff

So I might have a lead on a good pediatrician. This is exciting news! I feel like I’m doing all the work myself, it’s my job to find a pediatrician, to pre-register at the hospital, to schedule birthing and newborn classes, to find a good daycare. Ugh it’s so stressful!! The list just never ends! On top of that I have to make sure things for the baby shower go smoothly and everything gets done. Sometimes I just want to say "I need a break"!

It’s a good thing that most of those things on my list are taken care of. I already took all my classes, pre-registered, and am in the process of finding a doctor for the baby as well as a daycare. I’ve decided against going with the daycare on my campus-it’s way too expensive (almost $2000/month) there is no way I can pay for that. I also decided that the daycare center where I will be doing field work isn’t going to work either-I took a tour of their building and it was really over-crowded. the kids had nowhere to play!! I have a lead on another daycare but I heard it was expensive as well. It probably is because when I requested how much "tuition" was for a baby they just told me to come down for a tour-not a good sign. We will see though…the only other option for daycare will be at a friend of a friend’s house, but again she charges $200/wk that’s still pretty pricey. This just makes me want to quit grad school and stay home…childcare is way too expensive….

I wish that my doctor would recommend some daycares for me and some pediatricians, this is another issue that I have with her. She doesn’t help me at all! I heard from my cousin who is also pregnant that her doctor actually sits down and talks to her! He actually tells her what to expect and how to prevent SIDS ect…I think sometimes my doctor just assumes that I’ve done this before…uhm…no. It would be nice if she acted like she cared. Instead I get the whole "oh the baby looks good, heart-rates good, weights good" as she flies out the door to see another patient. Hello??? She hasn’t made sure that I’ve taken any newborn classes, nor has she made sure that I’ve pre-registered, or taken a tour of the hospital, or that I have a pediatrician…nothing. Shouldn’t a doctor care about that stuff? Maybe I’m just expecting too much… 

In other news I hope and pray that I can get through finals. I have my last final on my due date! I really need to talk to my instructors and make sure they know that I might miss some classes. I’m not sure why I’ve been puting this off, but I don’t want my instructors to think any less of me or that I can’t complete the semester. I refuse to take these classes over again!! Ok I think that’s enough of my ranting…

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October 30, 2008

well i could always e-mail you a few chapters so you would know?

November 3, 2008

hun, you NEED to have a doctor who checks on all those things. If she isnt paying attention to those things in your life, then she probably isnt paying enough attention to other things going on with you! I would DEFINITELY go check out another doctor. You never know what she could miss, and suing somebody for malpractice is NOT always going to fix the problems it could cause. *hugs* glad your well