Busy busy

So it looks like I’m going to have yet another busy week this week. Yesterday was a ton of fun, I hung out with one of my best friends who I haven’t seen since the wedding and we went out to dinner. It was nice to catch up on her life, although it’s hard to keep up with all the latest news. She’s always busy with one thing or another…she said something that surprised me though-she said she was jealous of me because I’m married and I’m pregnant. I had to stop myself from falling over. After I explained to her how "wonderful" it is being pregnant she snapped out of it though. LOL She surprised me again when she payed for our dinner. Overall it was a nice evening.

I also got another surprise in the mail today from an old friend. Andy sent me a wedding gift. A Japenese original set of bowls and a couple chopsticks. Although I doubt I’ll ever be able to use the chopsticks it was a nice reminder of a really good friend and that put a smile on my face. 🙂 Eric also called and he was going to be in the area and wanted to hang out, It will be good to see him, I feel like we haven’t hung out in forever! Although I love my Ryan Eric and I really understand each other on a different level and his friendship means the world to me.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day as well, I have a doctor appointment in the afternoon and then I’m seeing Sex and the City with my sister in law. This should be a good time. 🙂 It’s nice having an older sister to hang out with, especially because my family lives so far away.

I might also be hanging out with a past coworker on Thursday which would be nice considering that we live in the same area and go to the same college. 🙂

Then for this weekend I have my cousins wedding to go to. I have to be honest I’m kinda nervous about it-none of my family knows that I’m pregnant yet (except my immediate family of course). I can’t really hide it anymore either, so I’m thinking of sending all my aunts a mass e-mail just letting them know. I’m really not a phone person and I really don’t want to take the spot light away from my cousin on his big day either. So mass e-mail it is!! LOL

Then I start school on the 2nd–woo hoo. I’m actually looking forward to my classes this year. I’m taking a Develpmental class, an Ageing class and a Social Work Processes class. I hope I can keep my grades up while I’m going through all the changes of being pregnant. I just keep telling myself-I’m two thirds of the way there!

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September 8, 2008

I didnt know you were married, let alone pregnant! WOW! thats so cool dude! How is all of that going? Have you picked a name yet? do you know the sex, and have you made a room for him/her yet? I think those are all the important questions to ask, right? I never know, plus I never know how to deal with babies…i’ve never really been around them for longer then a few minutes! I hope it all goes ok!