
So things have been pretty busy, last weekend I got to see one of my friends who I haven’t seen since junior year of high school. She has a daughter, is married and has her own house in Georgia. She seems super happy which is great. :p Here daughter is four and she’s sooo cute!!! I was soooo happy to see her!! It’s funny, despite not seeing her for 7 years she looks pretty much the same. I didn’t think I’d recognize her but she has the same face. We spent the majority of the time just visiting and took some pictures, it’s always good to have some photos too bad I always close my eyes!!! Ugh!

In other news I met with my advisor last Friday, she seems really nice and I’m actually excited about starting the grad program in the fall. In certain ways I feel as though I didn’t pick grad school it picked me, but I’m coming around. It is going to be an intense program and it’s going to take me two and a half years to complete, but it’s better to get it done now while I’m young then wait around I suppose. I found out that I might be exempt from some of the core classes so that’s going to help some too.

Work on the other hand has been really stressful, one of my residents had a seizure last Wednesday and when we called his family (after I called 911) they said they didn’t want me to send him out. When the EMT’s arrived they suggested we send him out and it is our policy to send residents out if the EMT suggests it, so I had to (despite what the family wanted). After we sent him out I got a call from the hospital saying that his family refused to have him treated and that they were sending him back. I was devestated. Not only did my resident not get looked at, but his family got a note from the doctor saying that if it happened again we have to just leave him (he can’t be sent out). So when I got to work on Friday I talked to the director and she said his family "is ready for him to go" and it "accepting of the fact that he is going to die" apparently they put him on Hospice. Granted this particular resident has late stages of Dementia and cannot do much for himself it is still hard to hear that his family doesn’t want him to be treated. Perhaps I am more connected to him then a lot of the other residents…


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April 15, 2008

Glad you got a visit in with your old buddy. That would be a difficult situation at work to be in. It’s good that you care. Have a great night. Good luck in grad school