
Hmm so my plans for this week were to hang out with Jim on Monday, on Tuesday I planned to hang out with my friend Alex, Wednesday I’m supposed to have lunch with Chris and then I have work, Thursday I’m supposed to hang out with Ryan and Friday I work. Of course already my plans have changed-Jim cancelled on me yesterday because he claims that we were supposed to hang out on either Monday or Tuesday (which doesn’t make any sense why would you make plans for maybe this day or that day?). Then last night I got a text message from Alex saying that he doesn’t have gas money to come up and hang out (which is something that he should have budgeted for…but maybe I’m being too hard on him). So for lack of anything better to do I asked Jim if he still wantes to hang out…we’ll see if he actually follows through on our plans…I hate when people break their plans…I really do. It’s one of my pet peeves.

I find myself getting somewhat depressed. I got a bill in the mail yesterday that I wasn’t expecting and my financial situation is not good…to say the least. I have no idea how much is on my credit card right now and even not counting my credit card bill  I’m going to be short on money for bills this month. I feel like crying right now. I was doing so well and now I just can’t keep up with all the costs and all the bills. Sometimes I wish I could just move home and live off my parents…it’s just too bad that they live 1500 miles away…

In other news someone is watching over me…yesterday I went to the mall and parking is suppsed to be free if you have a reciept for a store…so I wasn’t too worried about it. That was until I went to leave the parking structure and they told me that Borders (which is a bookstore in the mall mind you) doesn’t count and that I would have to pay $4 for parking (which is terrible since I was only parked there for 30 minutes!!!). She said that if I didn’t have the money she would have to take down my information and then I would have to go to an ATM (since they also didn’t take credit) and come back and pay her. So I hunted in my purse and ended up finding $3 in change…then I looked in my car…and somehow I had a doller in there-just enough to pay for parking….a similar thing happened today as I was going to do laundry…I counted the change I had left and it was $3.50-just 0.50 short of what it costs to do my laundry…luckily though I found another 50 cents on my coffee table. Someone is looking out for me…that’s for sure….


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July 10, 2007

Money is so weird. I don’t really understand how it can actually be worth our time to worry about $3 in laundry money (which I always do).

July 18, 2007

Yeah…1500 miles is a problem. My adult son moved out of the house into his own house…two doors down. Raids the frig, get to use yard equipment and tools and stuff but be independent too. I rarely even see him. Sweet deal for him, eh?