English Me 3

Ugh happy payday…..”Good” bye my two Gs for my student loan….I’m really pushing myself to pay them off while the interest remains zero until the end of 2020. I see the goal and tutoring definitely has been helping me to pay the loan little by little in a month. Since I set the goal to pay off, I became…..so stingy….yikes!…I don’t spend much money in general but I have started seeing my spent more carefully….I want to know how my money were spent..were they unnecessary things or foods…… I think I take care of myself alright, I like exercise (soccer, tennis, running, etc.)  and love cooking (veggies 7: 2 meat: etc1), I don’t like sweets, and I don’t drink much neither (1 beer a week or less), most of all are essential and veggies but most expensive one! I thought routine does not bother me…but I never expected that routine + restriction have started scraping out my feelings…..I guess my exercise and or hiking are the major role to compensate my negative feelings….but now I feel so stressful to do this! I’m telling myself “making a good progress….patient patient…3…2…1…forget it and start doing something else!”. Alas, it often does not work that way. So here I am.

  1. contention (heated disagreement): There appeared to be a contention between two researchers regarding the effects of genetic and environmental factors on the intelligence.
  2. , as in the case of: Regardless of having great neighbors, some of them occasionally become personal and sensitive to each others, as in the case of the opposite political view. Hmm….I don’t like this sentence.
  3. attain (reach): During our chronological ontogeny, some people attain their peak heights at an earlier age.

I learned something I do not know in Japanese. One of students from Dubai was asking me how to say UAE people as nationality in Japanese. Nihon-jin indicates Japanese….so Arabia jin??? Hmmm Emirates jin??? I don’t have an answer for that! Definitely not UAE-jin…..I need to find out that prior to the next class!

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September 1, 2020

Sounds like you are getting things paid down!

September 2, 2020

@kaliko Yes, ma’am! No debt 2021! Hooray!

September 7, 2020

Hang with that plan. You’ll be so glad in about 30 years.

September 7, 2020

@tunguska Thank you for your kind words, that gives me energy and hope! I just sold my loved rifle today….made many memories but it was the moment when I need any money to pay off the loan.
Except staring at the 0 dollars from the loans I paid off (4 more to GO) everyday, do you have any suggestions to take this mind away from my mind?

September 7, 2020

@teteeugene you seem to have a handle on it. When I needed to pay off 3 mortgages in a hurry. Yes, three. It seemed to take forever but it really made a difference later when my father was dying and my kids needed me to help get them started in life. It’s just painful when you have to look at those numbers up close. Down the road, you know why you put yourself through all that in a million ways you never could have imagined…and the next rifle will be better than the one you let go of. It will shoot straighter and make a sweeter noise than whatever you had to let go of for this goal.

September 7, 2020

@tunguska Three mortgages….that is amazing! I take this opportunity as a good practice for me for the future investment. I try to use one fifth of the extra earning from the tutoring to take an online course to improve my skill sets. I do not want to speculate that this investment works to expand my career, but let’s give a shot.
And, yes. Elk are waiting for me, I will make the trip happen again soon. Thanks again!