First Time She Told Me NO NO NO
!!!!!And the fun begins!!!!!
ShaiAnn has been quite moody these past few days, the heat around here has been off the scale. I’m not sure if its the heat getting to her or if shes just reaching that stage but my child is developing her attitude finally.
I don’t mean finally as in I’ve been waiting for this…but finally as in my luck has run out.
So far she has been the perfect little girl…listens to Mommy when she asks her to.
Not anymore….
Now when you are telling her to stop something, or NOT to touch something…or NOT to get into that chair…she does it anyways but a lot faster so she can get it done before you reach her to stop her.
Yesterday was a definite first for us! I forget exactly what was going on and why she was whining but once again ShaiAnn was whining and fussing about something I had scolded her for or asked her not to do. I figured I would try the "Go To Your Room" line out…
Well it didnt go over well!
I looked her in the eye, pointed down the hall and said "ShaiAnn, Go to your room!". She looked right back at me and said "NO"…In my shock I blinked in disbelief and repeated myself again "Go To Your Room!" which she came back once again with "NO"….I was in shock…I sat up on the couch and said it one more time just to be sure my mind wasent playing trick on me…and yet again she came back with a "NO"…
Of course I promptly took her down to her room and made her listen to me…but Holy COW!!! SHE TOLD ME NO!!!!
Needless to say I’m starting to panic now! Is she going to start defining me all the time now? Eeep! Shes getting a big backbone and learning how to use it.
I have been confident in my parenting so far…but now I am getting scared! This past week so much has changed in her. I have been at my wits end…and I am ashamed to say I have been raising my voice at her…which she in return has started to mock me and do the same.
I realize I am in the early signs of TROUBLE!
As soon as I can I am going to buy the Nanny 911 or SuperNanny book and read them for help on parenting. I trust those ladies!! lol.
That and I am going to stop raising my voice at her to get her to listen when she wont. I am going to have to remind myself of the line " silent but deadly"!!! I am going to have to learn "THE LOOK" that forces children to listen. I want her to know that Mommy means business.
I did the naughty spot yesterday.
Poor child…
ShaiAnn has started to protest to everything she dosent agree with. If she wants her pacifier and I wont give it to her she makes this whine/cry noise, and she has been doing it to everything!! Totally uncalled for the majority of the time…so…Yesterday she got sent to her room quite a few times.
I kept telling her there is NO reason I should have to listen to her cry because she didnt get her way so she is going to her room until she can stop crying/whining. She understand what I mean fully. I follow her down to her room and tell her she can come out when she stops crying…then I walk halfway up the hallway and stand there. If she comes out while crying I send her straight back in.
I have NO idea if this is the right way to do anything…or if this will just hinder our progress so far…NO idea if this is what I should be doing to get her to listen to me.
I am not having a child that whines thats all I know. I can’t handle that sound!
Im not saying Im going to be an evil bitch to her and send her to her room everytime she cries…Just everytime its UNCALLED for. I send her to her room…When she comes back out we have a little talk about why she went to her room and then I give her kisses and hugs to let her know Mommy loves her.
Anyways…Im at my wits end, and Im so glad that the heat has gone away for a couple days! Its rainy and drizzly outside instead of scorching heats. They actually told people to stay inside and not leave their homes!!! I mean what is this world coming to when the heat is THAT bad!!?? The news saying Don’t go to the beach, Stay In Your Homes???!!! Oh man…
Im going to cling to the fact for now that her moods and recent bad behavior has been due to the heat…
I am going to try and learn from my mistakes and stop raising my voice to get her to listen.
Any advice out there???