ello ello

Wow, I can’t remember the last time I actually sat down and began writing here… I have been reading here and there but I have turned into as bad of a commenter as I am an updater lol sorry =

life has been well life, it’s been full of ups and downs, in october I was promoted to cashier Iwas so happy happy happy! lol no more fuel center! but now they’ve cut our hours to 20 a week I’m not sure how Im going to survive on 150.00 a week I might look into a second job not sure yet, Im sure hours will pick up soon.

Me and Tommy are doing well, we had a little falling out manly because I felt neglected, and I finally broke and told him how I felt and we had a heart to heart and have both been trying since, and it’s been TONS better, I usually don’t express my feelings, I’m a bottler but I’m glad I did. =)

My baby sister is having a baby, Mr. Camden will be arriving June 7th! I’m so excited that Im going to become an aunty again!

I’ve been planning the baby shower and let me tell you baby showers are NOT cheap by no means.. oii lol but he is so worth it.

There’s not really much else to update on I live a pretty boring life lol

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February 18, 2013

Congrats on the promotion =)

March 3, 2013

Yay for a promotion but that sucks about hours being cut! Congrats to your sister on being pregnant! You must be so excited 😀

March 6, 2013

Yay! Good news! ….. and I want a baby… yes. yes I do. I just… can’t.

March 17, 2013

glad u and tommy patched things up