Here we are in the middle of it.

For the love of all things please let today go more smoothly!

This will be a quicky, as I’ve got to get ready for work I’m going in early so I can get me some freakin BBQ lol I’ve earned something yummy, yesterday they had kind of a pot luck thing at work, but I don’t think it’s right there should’ve been labels on what it was and what was in it specially for people with food allergies like me. I got this salad I thought it was just a fruit type salad it had big chunks of apple I thought it had like figs or dates in it, little did I know until I took the first bite it was actually chunks of snicker bars, I’m allergic to peanuts, I spit it out as fast as I could but my throat still got a little ticklish and i didnt even swallow any.. I thought that was wrong. However all the rest of the food was yummy I had a little scoop of some greek salad, a little bite size piece of cheesecake could’ve eaten an entire box lol, I had a scoop of some kind of macaroni salad that had like thin slices of salmon, corn, and onion I didnt care for it, and some churrizo and potatoes mmmm that was yummy. lol

So anyway while I’m getting ready for work yesterday S my wingman calls me, L our new girl in fuel center, SCREWED up big time, till this moment I don’t know what she did, but S was sent out there to try and figure out and try and fix what she had done, apperantly the screen that run everything wouldn’t let them do anything kept popping up messages saying “not allowed”, or “Item not found” and there were costumers waiting for refunds and everything else well they had to shut down and call help desk which had to reboot our entire system, which leaves ANGERY costumers, this whole system reboot can take anywhere from 10-20minutes, being that it reboots the pumps, the gas tanks, and our opperating system inside the booth there’s a lot of machinery, so I guess both my store director(BIG boss) and my Assistant store director came out and were pissed, so after system comes back up and she’s able to give everyone their refunds, she’s now 20 dollars short, which we believe that one persons refund went back to their debit card and she gave them an extra 20 even though she says it was all cash. None the less by the time I get there S was coming back in again from booth because L screwed up again, I go out there and there’s litterally 15 people in line so I go in booth move her out of the way and start slamming through costumers within seconds I’m quick like that, so for the next 5minutes we get a little slammed then I let her have her drawer back, by the end of the shift she was 25 dollars short, I guess Big boss made a comment that ” I guess she’s not going to work out” no shit sherlock don’t get me wrong she’s the sweetest person but she’s too scared to be around money this isn’t her first screw up this week, on tuesday she charged a regular costumer for four 10lb bags of ice and a 7lb bag of ice(which we DON’T carry) instead of one 10lb bag of ice and instead of paging me( I was getting copies made of schedule) decides to try and figure it out on her own WTF it’s my drawer your in training, so I have to refund all the bags of ice aside from the one 10lb bag of ice, that looks bad on my drawer I made her write a long note of what happened and sign it.

ehh I pray today is better and I am not a prayer lol, after my last few weeks I just need something to go with ease.

ehh time to get ready for work lol

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July 22, 2012

preeya mentioned u to me today. she thought u were traveling. hope all is well