So last night.. not so much fun..

I took a breathing treatment last night before I was going to go to bed, my asthma is not handling this weather and season changing going on very well, within 10min of finishing my treatment I realized my face and ears felt like they were on FIRE I told Tommy, he said your ears are so red their almost black, I thought he was messing with me like he always does so I told him to shut up lol. He said go look so I did.. not only were they red but my cheeks were red and getting pumps on them, so I snapped pics, sent them to them to my stepmonster who has asthma as well to see if she’s ever had anything like this happen, she said no and that I needed to go to the ER but being St Patties Day, with drunks.. I called the ER nurse she said as long as my breathing is ok aside from my asthma, and my throat doesn’t close, or my tongue doesn’t swell, then I should be ok, but if I felt like it I could come in. So I decided not too and kept puting cold washcloth compressed on my cheeks and ears and took 2 benydril…

So this morning when i went to work I stopped and talked to the head pharmcist, I told her what happened, and she said “you went into Annaphalactic shock” her and another pharmacist were getting all the info, and I had a rare but very severe allergic reaction to the Albuteral, she told me I could bring my Albuteral solution in and we’d file it with the FDA, she then told me that it could have been a bad dose, since I’ve used it for years and this is the first time it’s happened or that maybe I could some how have become senstive to it. So I had Tommy bring it down and she asked how long the pouch with the little viles has been open I said about a month or so I only use them when I need them, she said they only last a week once you open the little foil looking pouch they’re in, but she doubts that’s the case, so she told me to call my Dr. tomorrow ASAP and tell him what happened, and set up an appointment or see where he wants to go from there. I told her I wasn’t doing another treatment until then, which sucks cause of my asthma kicking up right now, she said they’d probably make me do a treatment there so they could observe what happens or if it’ll happen again.

So that’s where I am..

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March 18, 2012

Yikes, fun stuff…. Good luck with everything, keep us updated!

May 19, 2012

RYN: Oh that is exactly how I get before speeches!! I just wanted to run away, which is what I would have done in Uni. I would have faked sick. Lol