NoMoJo #6

Firstly, today is/was me and Tommy’s 4 year Anniversary! I just can’t believe it’s been 4 years seriously, I remember the first time I got up enough balls to note him on In The Wire, The first time we messaged on yahoo, the first time we talked on the phone.

I remember when I flew out here by MYSELF for the first time to meet him and I walked right past him lol, I remember that first night vividly down to what movie was playing and what he said to me right before and after.. (blushes), I remember the second time I flew out here to visit and then a few months later I moved here and now here we are lol.

Also today is my sister Becky’s birthday lol it’s kind of weird because her wedding Anniversary is also on my sister Shirley’s birthday, and mine is on her birthday lol

I dream that one day…

I dream that one day, there will be a cure for cancer and AIDS. That there will be no racism or sexism, there will be no more homeless or people going hungry. I dream that one day there will be a cure all incurable disease no matter how big or small.

I dream that one day I will find the way to live forever… lol a girl can dream right?

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