NoMoJo #5

First things first Imma beat my sister for posting that video…. now the song is stuck in my head…

The best thing in my life is….or the best thing about my life is…

Hmmm either or is pretty tough to actually pin point, there are a lot of things that make my life the best, I have a wonderful family both blood and not blood, I have a great boyfriend who sometimes I want to strangle but he’s still mine lol.

I guess the best thing about my life is that I’m loved by the ones that mean the world to me and I have all the support one could ask for.

I also have great friends online and offline though they may be few and far between they all mean the world to me.

On to other things, does anyone watch Ultimate Fighter??? I was laughing so hard last night…

I wished this whole caffeine withdrawal would just go away it seems every night for the past 4 nights I’ve been going to bed early do to a headache it really isn’t any fun.. but yet I must kick this nasty habit once again lol I really need to work out but just the thought of it seems to much lol I know once I do a full work out once then I’ll be on a roll it’s just getting motivated to do so…

I have kicked my late night snacking habit, instead of snacking I drink Ice water, and chew gum it helps for the most part, the first week is hard but I am proud of myself I went to the store and I actually was soooooooo tempted to buy chocolate covered pretzels and I actually put them back down… what a triumph that was lol… but I did it and I’m proud of myself 🙂

Anywho with that said… I’m outtie for the night 🙂

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