NoMoJo #1

well I made it! hopefully I can keep up this time I’m going to try hard..

I’m such an emotional little ball lately that I made be all over the place…

Tomorrow starts my big “D”(diet) oii vey it’s been something that’s been coming for a while but I’ve just got to do it or I never will, time to kick the cola and carbs and kick into gear my strip to aerobics DVD set and shed some pounds before the big holidays specially Christmas lol..

I can’t believe that in 5 days(November 6th) will be me and Tommy’s 4 year anniversary! wow where has time gone?? it seems like just yesterday he was someone I was reading(stalking) on In The Wire, we were both dating other douche bags at the time and he didn’t know I excited I just liked his spunk lol, then I remember the first time I commented him after his relationship with Susan and then a short while there after when my break up happened with Jon and we just started talking and one thing lead to another and here were are today. It just all amazes me and makes me cry sometimes because I know there are times I want to strangle him but I couldn’t imagine my life without him there’s just no way he’s my other half..

I can’t believe it’s been 3 months now since Tom passed away it seems like just yesterday, I miss him so much just little things remind me of him and I get all emotional about it. Then there are the dreams.. so I guess with today’s topic “If I knew then what I know now” it would have to be that if I knew his cancer would come back I’d try with all my heart to make sure it was caught early and we had a chance to get rid of it so he’d still be here, he truly was like a dad and grandfather too me and it sad to know that he’s gone..

OMG anyone out there with any advice, Charlie our 1 yr old Jack Russell Terrier has been “marking” like crazy lately we got a belly band(boy dog diaper type thing) and some spray but where ever I spray that he normally “marks” he has went around and found new spots it’s driving me and Julie nuts! if anyone has any tips before I strangle him please feel free to share lol

So yesterday was Halloween and we had….. ZERO trick or treaters lol not a one, it was the first year I didn’t have to get any kids ready or take them out trick or treating it was very…. odd… lol but here are some pics..

Cup Cakes I made


Nina, Jewelz, and Armani

Haley’s horse didn’t miss out on the fun either!

And the call it puppy love…..

with that said I’m outtie… lol

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November 2, 2009

yum cupcakes!!! i remember when you met him…it doesnt seem like that long ago!

November 4, 2009

Good luck with the diet! I’m doing Weight Watchers again. I’m hoping to lose a lot of weight this summer. (It’s almost summer here, lol). Wow, that means I’ve been reading you for probably 3 or 3 1/2 years! Time sure flies, huh? I’m sorry again about Tom. It must be hard for you guys. 🙁 No Trick or Treaters? That is just ODD in America, isn’t it? We actually had some this year, which is odd.