G is for Give me, Give me some l♥vin!

I yoinked this survey from someone ;D

1. Do you have the guts to answer these Q’s and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
Bring em on! suckah

2. Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Hell no.

3. Abortion: for or against?
For myself personally I am against I could never get an abortion, perhaps if it was a pregnancy due to rape or that I would/could die if I didn’t I’d probably consider it. As for other woman who choose to do it, it’s their choice and I’m not going to think any different of someone who does unless they are using it as a form of Birth Control then I think that person should be fixed.

4. Would our country fall with a woman president?
Hell no, they’re countries that have had woman in charge and they are still standing, heck I think it would be awesome who in their right mind would mess with a woman at that time of the month LMAO!

5. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Hmm that’s a toughie because on one hand I’d like to see all those sick bastards that rape, mangle, abuse, torture, and kill children, adults, and babies. Actually I think they should suffer the same fate their victims did.

6. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
I suppose why not, I could care less I don’t smoke the stuff, but there are far worse drugs out there pot just mellows you out and makes you turn into the stay puff marshmallow man from munchies. LMAO

7. Are you for or against premarital sex?
To each their own, I think that when you do have sex it should be with the right person, make sure it means something to you don’t just do it to do it.

8. Do you believe in God?
Personally I don’t, sure I have my beliefs about things but, I’m not going to knock someone who believes other wise we all have our beliefs in things.

9. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
I don’t see why not I think everyone has that right to be happy, Gay, Straight, Bi I don’t have an issue with it at all. Who is anyone to decide who gets to be married or not based on sex, gender, or race. DAMN IT equality!

10. Do you think its wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
As long as they are earning a living like everyone else and NOT living off our government, I’m not against anyone that does get assistants but what I can’t stand is those that abuse it and continue to pop out kids so they can continue to milk tax payers some more that’s just ridiculous.

11. A 12 year old girl has a baby… should she keep it?
Well, lets put it this way my cousin had her first baby when she was barely 12yrs old, and she’s an awesome mom with 3 kids now, so I say yes as long as she has her families support and finishes school anyone can be a good parent yanno. BUT I will say this NO 12 yr should be having sex.

12. Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
Actually some places you are allowed to drink at 18 yrs old.

13. Should the war in Iraq be called off?
I think this war and any war is ridiculous innocent people are losing their lives and for what? to prove who has the bigger weapons? shakes head don’t even get me started.

14. Assisted suicide is illegal… do you agree?
Good! Assisted Suicide shakes head there is no such thing YOU are basically giving a medical term to a murder.

15. Do you believe in spanking your children?
No, I don’t I grew up watching my twin niece and nephew being beaten with anything and everything and swore I’d never hit my child EVER! there’s no need for it there are other forms of dealing with things try a time out.

16. Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?

17. A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case. Fair?
HELL no! Murder that bitch just like she did her children, what is wrong with people who would ever want to harm their child let alone children, if you can’t handle them then let someone who has dreamed about having their own children their whole lives care for them.

18. It’s between you and a person who is being kept alive by life support, which one dies? Geez, well if there is a way to keep both of us alive I say go for it, but if there isn’t and I don’t know this person I’m going to have to be selfish and say them because I don’t want to die, but if it’s my time then it’s my time.

19. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Everyone has their own mind and opinions and no one should judge. I know I wouldn’t and I highly doubt anyone will me.

OK enough of that lol

omg I’ve been listening to some straight old rock lol right now I’m listening to Black Betty by Ram Jam, my mom thinks I’m a freak because I love 70’s music haha but I told her it was her fault she had me in the wrong generation and it was her fault for not being freaky enough HAHAH.

I can’t believe I leave in less than 48hrs for California, ugg I hate to fly alone I think my main fear is I don’t want to die alone that scares me a lot and if the plane were to go down then I’d be alone yanno what I mean I know it’s a stupid thing to think about but I guess in my mind I have to weigh out all the options I know I’m just psyching myself out but I rather think the bad then the good and be caught off gaurd lol.

OK enough of that crap lol!

This coke is so delicious!!! lol I better get going to change up my layout again weeeee lol.

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March 31, 2009

cool survey 🙂