F is For Freakishly Freaky.(pics).

So, I completely lost my train of thought just now lol, I haven’t been up to much, just living the everyday life, getting ready for trip in 5 days!

I have so much updating I need to do it’s ridiculously insane, and I don’t know where to begin or how to write it out with out it being a novel or worse a encyclopedia so I’ll try and make it into a readers digest version of everything and go subject by subject.

My StepMonster:
Well, she had two episodes one time she was sitting on the couch and had ringing in her ears and felt like she was going to pass out like everything was coming in and out, when she was finally able to call my dad over he had to help her up then she got sick and was vomiting liquid. The second time she was watching TV and came too and it took her over and hour to get to where she could crawl into my dads room then she was up all night puking.
Come to find out, when she went to her Dr’s appointment she told them about the episodes and they said they’d read her script from her heart and call her and let her know what was going on but said it was probably just her blood pressure.

Well after her Appointment she tells me this; “the last episode i had my heart stopped at 1034 pm and 4 seconds later the defib kicked in but my heart did not start so 5 seconds later it took another reading and kicked again and my heart was restarted, the dr told me they had never seen readings like mine only in text book and i was lucky to be alive actually she called it a miracle, this was the first time a patient’s heart actually stopped and the device worked, next time it happens i havve to call 911 now that i know what it is,they changed the base rate of my heart to beat at 70 she said that should help” So both times her heart stopped and she was brought back.. pretty scary she had the heart surgery just in time and she told me that the last week was the hardest she was fighting to hold on, she said she would not have made it another week.

Things are going good around here finally got a mop lol the last one died and yeah I couldn’t take not being able to mop other than spot mop so I went to the kitchens butt yesterday and today it looks as if nothing has been done to it ARG, oh well I’ll clean it again before I leave.

My period showed up 4 days early and I’ve been ragging it and pmsing at the same time wth is up with that it’s been awful but I’m glad it’s gone and over with but I’m still suffering pms but it’s slowly going away lol.

So lets talk about Charlie that boy has some ISSUES! lol firstly the other day they(Charlie and Missy) were hanging out in our room while Tommy was taking a break from putting the camper back on the truck(by himself), and I had the bag of M&M’s on the floor closed well he opened it and had ONE in his mouth( how he only had one amazes me) anyway I told him to drop it and he did, he’s been getting better about listening so I threw it in the trash and closed the bag well he goes back over there and again opens the bag so I put it up in the drawer, then he proceeds to try and get in the trash to get the other one out lol.

So fast forward to yesterday Dani comes running up here and she’s like give me the camera hurry, Charlie is sleeping with peanut and his nose is stuck up her ass LMAO I’m like no way so I give her the camera and this is what she comes back with……



I couldn’t stop laughing and thinking what if peanut had farted LOL I’d hate to be Charlie but seriously come on! haha


Poor babies all exhausted from running around outside lol


nooooo lol I just wet his face and he went to shake and I was trying to catch him but wasn’t fast enough obviously lol



lol he reminds me of a little old man when he’s all wet…

I tried to get some pictures and video of him last night while Haley was in the Jacuzzi he jumped up on it and walked all the way around the rim of it licking up the water lol we were all in amazement haha maybe next time, right now I’m trying to teach him how to high five haha.

My Alergies have been killing me, I’m not sure who’s are worst Haley’s, mine, or Tommy’s mom, I’ve been itching so bad that I made myself bleed not to mention the running eyes, nose and sneezing but everything is in bloom including the tree’s.



Not leaves Buds of POLLEN


Charlie lookin Asian lol




Flowers of Pollenie goodness

lol I love how I cut out about half of the things I really wanted to talk about, but oh well it’s an entry none the less.

With that I think I’m going to go and find something to do before I lose my mind.

Oh if anyone has some good songs to work out to please let me know I need some upbeat music that I can really get in the swing to work out too.

Peace and Love.


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March 28, 2009

🙂 Im bacccccccccccccccccccccck!

March 31, 2009

LMAO…those pics are tooooooooooooo FUNNY!!! ryn – What’s your email again? I thought I saved it but went to forward the email and can’t find the address =o/. It’s funny, that cake email has been sitting in my inbox forever…I refuse to delete it! LOL!