Sorry, I went nuts.
So, I haven’t written in this for a long long time but I’ve been reading other peoples diaries still. I’m starting to feel a little creepy, reading and never saying anthing, like some sort of silent stalker.. lol.
I gots no job, kids… I got back from Europe November 5th and I still have no job. Wowee. And I have bills bills billllsss… but I sort of took a mental health break I suppose. It’s been a strange year for me, a lot of good things and a lot of crazy things, and a lot of boys I suppose, and the realization that I want to stop running away and travelling (which is cool if done for appropriate reasons) and figure my shit out here. So I’m regaining my mental stability as of late.
I’ve been a recluse since I’ve been home and I’m just starting to snap out of it now. Like how I didn’t write on here, I didn’t reply to people on facebook, or return calls, whatever, just sort of hermitted (is that a word? I use it a lot for it not to be) and let myself go nuts for a while. I felt like I’d been holding on by a thread for so long that I would just collapse or something if I didn’t let go..? I was just so tired. So I let go and I’m on meds now… lol. But its a good thing for now. Not forever, but for now.
I still need a job.
I miss Ant. I’m not sure what happened there.