White peacock

Just when the news about the pandemic, the economy, and the sad state of our country keep getting worse and worse, someone sends me something to remind me of the truly spectacular and wondrous beauty in the world. I make a point of noticing beauty in the little details of life and the natural world, but sometimes I’m speechless!

(By the way, I’ve never seen anything like this before.)

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July 4, 2020

He is stunning!  Have you ever seen a red one?  A few weeks ago one of my daughters sent me a video of a red one.  I adore peacocks, and since my girls know that, I have a lot of peacock things.

Thanks for sharing.

July 4, 2020

We have these and the “normal” ones in the equestrian district where I volunteer on the weekends (a 10-minute drive from where I live). They are wild, too – it’s a teeny town, these guys run free in the streets and command the right of way, in a place that rarely sees cars – most everyone is on horse.  There is also a ton of those green-and-red parrots. I think the town has no more than a thousand people (if at all), and it’s always amazed me how those animals know to stay within it, instead of venturing out into the larger towns.

I’m w/you in that current times occupy most of our minds. If there is anything to thank the virus for, for me, that would be that there are fewer folks out at times when all the birds have their meetings, and I get to be able to hear them if I happen to be driving.

July 4, 2020

@thenerve   I agree.  It’s much more peaceful!

July 4, 2020

@zhnee  Wow!  That is amazing!  I never imagined there was such variation in color.  Thank for sharing this!

July 4, 2020

@oswego You’re most welcome.  I’d never seen a red one until a few weeks ago.  While looking for one, I found a green one too.  I was excited.  I’m glad you liked.

July 4, 2020


July 4, 2020

Wow!  And what a great attitude — I’ll have to remember that, to notice the beauty around me, with gratitude — rather than concentrating on what’s wrong.  Thank you for the reminder.

July 5, 2020

So pretty!

July 6, 2020

So regal and beautiful!  I’ve never seen a white peacock before. All are exquisite!  Nature supplies us with a smorgasbord of beauty. Thanks for sharing this, my friend.