A three year relationship. Over. Because he gave me permission to explore and I ended up liking the best friend he sent me to. So in my honesty I broke up with him. Not because of that but also because our relationship was more than on the rocks, it was slipping over the edge. Always thinking I’d eventually end up with him anyways, just not now. Because I loved him with everything I had. And then two and a half months later I learned he betrayed me while we were together. Twice. Which if once isn’t bad enough, it happened again. While I was in TX going to school so I could get back to him and go to school in OK and eventually MARRY him. I was thinking about marrying him and he was sleeping with other women.

And I am so totally broken right now.

I have never in my entire life felt this much like a fool.

You can’t turn the love off. Of course it’s not that easy.

I planned on spending the rest of my life with that man.  I’ve felt that way for two years. I almost married him back then. And if I had?? Would this have happened then if I’d gone to school in TX? He might’ve come down with me but there are no guarantees.

How do you love and hate somebody so much at the same time?

And second chances are out of the question. I’ll do my best to never feel this way again. EVER. I understand some things you can’t help but I’ll be damned if I let somebody back into my romantic life that’s made me feel this way.

And what’s worse is – HE’S BEEN CHEATED ON. HE KNOWS HOW THIS FEELS. And yet, because HE felt lonely, he did it to me. The woman that he apparently wanted to spend the rest of his life with. How can anybody be that selfish?

And when do I stop crying???

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December 23, 2007

People are assholes. For every time I think about how I miss my ex I make sure to wish she would die in a fire 3 times just to make up for it. Oh I’m a random noter because I have to proclaim that on here like you couldn’t figure it out anyways.

December 23, 2007

The crying stops when you kill yourself. You probably just sucked in bed, or at life in general. Maybe he never loved you and just found some easy sex. Either way, you should probably get used to being used. I am willing to bet it will happen alot to you. Its not his fault you couldn’t fulfill his needs. As always… With love and a bit of hate…

December 23, 2007

Of course he cheated on you! You seem like an emotional pain in the ass, not to mention a cold fish. You are weak and you are an idiot, not a good combonation. How could you expect him to not bang other chicks while you were going to school in another state!? He was probably bangin any piece of ass he could dip his wick into while you were in Oklahoma, then you left and it was a free for all.Jesus Christ, get over it! You’re pissed at him but it’s most likely your fault. You missed signs of the problem while you were together because you are an idiot and now you’re going to feel sorry for yourself forever because you were an annoying, winey, pain in the ass that barely put out for three years. Boo hoo. I feel sorry for him to be honest with you. I have actually dated someone like you and I know what he was going through, good for him for having the balls to do something about it. When do you stop crying? Well, you have two options: 1, quit being a winey pussy and get over it or 2, drown yourself. Either way you should stop crying just fine.