
I am so mad at the WORLD right now. Not really the world, just the assinine people that live in it. People can be so immature and so insensitive, just to get a reaction out of their readers.

A guy from my hometown was arrested last week for the murders of his parents.

I’ve been trying to follow it as well as I can from up here in Oklahoma, and while reading one of the articles online today I found he had a myspace blog and so I went and looked it up. When I typed in his name on Xanga, I found countless entries that people had written involving him and or the stories about him and the murders.

Almost every entry started with something like, "wassup suckas…" or "oh my gawd my weekend was so like, boring" and goes into "on a more serious note" or, "by the way" or my personal favorite, ‘you won’t believe this…’ and then goes into their version of the story.  I cannot stress enough that this is not about attacking every person that wrote about him. I want to believe that most people had good intentions because most of their entries ended with "please pray for him and his family." Which I do want everybody to do when they’re done reading this.

But that’s not the point.

Two people were murdered. And their son has been arrested. RESPECT THAT. I only met him once, and I thought he was an amazing person. The entire two hours we hung out my ears and stomach were hurting because he kept me laughing the whole time. I don’t want to believe he did it, and maybe he didn’t, but I don’t know and neither do you.

And then the stories turn to the rumors (which I absolutely refuse to go into -some were violently nasty) and that makes me sick to my stomach.

Just read the articles, believe them or don’t, only God and Brandon know the truth. And yes, the media likes to put a spin on things to get people’s attention – I’m not saying they’re correct or not, but it’s the best we have right now. Do pray for him and his family, but please, don’t add it on because you wanted your entry to be longer, and don’t add the gossip, this is awful enough without people’s personal twists added to it.


Links to the articles: (there are more and I will try to get them posted ASAP, but some contain incorrect information, like the Texarkana article – Brandon graduated from Rockwall High School, not Rockwall-Heath)



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