The Long “Servay”


if I were a month I would be: October
if I were a day of the week I would be: Wednesday
if I were a time of day I would be: 8 AM
if I were a planet I would be: Jupiter
if I were an animal I would be: hmmm
if I were a direction I would be: NorthEast
if I were a piece of furniture I would be: big comfy computer chair
if I were a sin I would be: Lust
if I were a historical figure I would be: Queen Elizabeth
if I were a liquid I would be: Vodka
if I were a tree I would be: Willow
if I were a flower/plant I would be: a fern
if I were a kind of weather I would be: a cool, misty, foggy morning, or a dark thunderstorm
if I were a musical instrument I would be: violen is what i’ve been told…
if I were a color I would be: purple or blue
if I were a vegetable I would be: Cucumber
if I were a sound I would be: the sound of rain on your window
if I were an element I would be: Nitrogen
if I were a car I would be: a 68 Camaro
if I were a song I would be:  "Under the Bridge" – RHCP and/or All Saints
if I were a movie I would be: Fried Green Tomatoes
if I were a book I would be written by:  uh….?
if I were a food I would be: mashed potatoes
if I were a place I would be: Texas
if I were a material I would be: courdoroy
if I were a taste I would be: An iced caramel macchiotto…different with every sip
if I were a scent I would be: hollister
if I were a word I would be: Fabulous
if I were an object I would be: A car seat belt
if I were a facial expression I would be: haha…anybody that’s seen "my face" knows
if I were a cartoon character I would be: Rogue
if I were a shape I would be a(n): A circle
if I were a number I would be: 25

What’s one thing that will always make you laugh?: Brooks (guy I work with) – he never fails
What’s one thing that will always make you cry?: Loving too much
What’s one thing that will always make you angry?: People who "don’t think they’re good enough"

Do you laugh a lot?: Yes
Do you cry a lot?: Recently, but it’s getting much less.
Do you get mad easily?: Depends, I try not to
What’s your strongest emotion right now?: Fear/Contentment…which is an odd combo I know…
What song brings out your strongest emotion?: "I Can Only Imagine" – MercyMe

–What’s your favorite…–
Season:: Fall
Holiday:: Christmas
Age:: 8
Phrase/Quote:: "Let it be or let it go"
Thing to do:: LIVE
Type of Cookie:: Peanut Butter
Class:: American Political Economy
Person in the whole wide world:: ….

–If You Could–
If you could be anything you wanted (animal, object…)
what would you be?: Paris Hilton’s dog
If you could have any super power, what would you have?: read peoples minds when i want/ see the future
If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change?: I’d start 02/05/02

 If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?: Weight
If you could change one thing about your best friend, what would it be?: their ability to forgive and forget…or lack there of
If you could be a millionare, what would you buy?:  Jessica Hawk an Escalade

–A Deeper Look–
The most important thing in your life is:: God

The most important person in your life is:: my sister/brother, then Dana and Josh, then youth group
Your life motto:: Theirs Always room for improvment
Your best advice for someone else:: Go and suck a lemon
The best advice ever given to you:: "Life is not a movie – don’t try to make it dramatic"
One word to describe your personality::  Fun

–Friends and Enemies–
Who is your best friend?: Dana / Josh
What do you do together?: Everything
What is it about this person that makes you get along so well?: Dana and I are like sisters…Josh and I just mesh incredibly well together.
How long have you known them?: Dana – 9 years; Josh – almost 1
Who is your worst enemy?: I don’t have any enemies, but I’m having problems with my manager
What is it about this person that makes you not get along?: She takes everything very personally…when it’s JUST WORK.
How long have you known them?: Only since April!!
Your close friends (besides best friend) are::  my family, jess and marc, paul, some girls at work

–On a scale of 1-10, how important is …… to you?–
Music:: 9
Friends:: 10
Family:: 10
Love:: 12
Happiness:: 10
Solitude:: 7
Education:: 6
Having Fun:: 10


name: Lyndse Kay

nicknames: Blondi, Princess

how old do you look:   16/17

glasses/contacts: nope

braces: not anymore!

eye color: green

hair color: blonde

tattoos: nope

piercings: each ear lobe twice, left tragus, belly button and tongue

siblings: 1 brother and 1 sister

pets: Belle is mine (dog) but there’s also Dodge and Pepper (dogs) and Soldier and Kali (cats)


Band: *Nsync!

song: "Cold" – Crossfade

food: Mexican/ Italian

color: pink

actor/actress: Angelina Jolie / Jake Gyllenhaal

sport/extreme sport: HS Football


have a crush on someone: yes

think about suicide: never seriously

hate yourself: nope

wish you could live somewhere else: nah….

stand out: i think i’ve become content with being average…that’s about to change.

write in cursive or print: its both…whatever comes first

skateboard: no..

snowboard: no

surf:  no

want more piercings: yup

want more tattoos:  possibly


ever cried over a girl:  yea

ever cried over a guy: yeah

ever cried at a chick flick: alll the time

ever lied to someone: yeah…but it’s not a lie if you know i’m not telling the truth!

ever broke a compact disk in a fit of rage?: No, but i did my checkcard….


*Love Until Later*

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