
So, after work today I went to my apartment and finished unpacking. Then I took some carpet deoterizer and shook it all over my stinky carpet and it smelled WONDERFUL. So wonderful, that Jess decided she wanted some so we went to Wal*Mart and got some, plus some really good smellin’ Glade candles. When we got back, we shook it all over the apartment for the first time in EVER – the apartment doesn’t smell like dog crap/pee.

We sat inside for awhile just chatting and then we moved it outside to the porch where it was nice and cool. Marc came over and I went in to try and sleep – I was asleep for about 20 minutes when somebody drove up with their music BLARING and it woke me up and I couldn’t get comfortable…so I gave in and came over to Josh’s to sleep. He’s alseep on the couch, and I don’t think he even knows I’m here which is fine…I have to get up at 6 to get ready for work so I’ll be gone before he gets up too. I really tried to make it by myself at the apartment but it’s just really warm with no electricty and the air just felt thick. Plus, I don’t have a bed, so I’m sleepin on the floor! Oui! Plus, the internet isn’t up over there and even if it was it’d be limited because my battery would eventually poop out too. Blegh.

I’m not trying to be crappy, I’m just tired and wish I could be at MY apartment asleep in MY room.

*Love Until Later*

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