
I’m not really sure where this entry’s gonna end up…not sure what I want to type but I’m just gonna let my fingers go on the keys and see where it leads.

I’m not sure what I want to do with myself. I enjoy my job enough, but I keep spending my money as soon as I get it. "After I get my next check I’ll be ahead." That’s what I keep saying…but I still haven’t gotten to THAT check yet. I keep thinking of crap to buy. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna get extra hours this week so maybe by NEXT week I’ll get to that check. Hopefully.

I’m listening to my sister tell me how "lonely" she is. She doesn’t know the half of being lonely. until you realize it’s 9 PM and you don’t have anywhere you can go. no friends around. nobody you can call. no animal to pet for comfort, nobody online to talk to. a boyfriend that is asleep because he’s exhausted. room mates that don’t even speak your language. THAT is lonely.

But she doesn’t get it. And that’s okay. I wouldn’t have at 14 either. And I’m NOT knocking her age. It’s just true that the older you get the more perspective you get. I’d kill to be back in HS. Did I really just say that?! There’s pros and cons…so I guess overall I would rather be here than back there. Phew.

Now I don’t know if I want to get an apartment yet, or just keep going to school and racking up serious bills. I think  I’ll just go one more semester full time, put away $ like I was renting an apartment, and then re-asess (sp) everything come Christmas time. Yeah, that sounds good.

As far as the weight, I’m doing good. I just look better I think. My face has slimmed down and so has my stomach. I think the stomach has a little bit to do with the fact that I’m not so stressed all the time now. I’ve got enough money to get what I want within reason, my boyfriend just got a wonderful promotion and is doing well which takes stress out of the relationship, and did I mention I’m getting money? Because that’s a nice thing and really helps with the stress. 🙂

Marc went to pick up Jess, so there will be another girl with me at the wh which is good too.

I think I might get another job – maybe at the mall at like, Foleys or Dillards or something.


*Love Until Later*

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