
Today was a great day…I kinda signed back up on a dating site after having a talk with a co-worker on how you have to kiss a ton of frogs first before you find prince charming. So I am kissing some frogs…lol…I am on website to see if I can find some new friends and if I find the man of my dreams thats even better. I am still debating the whole trip to see my friend in April. I still have my vacation time booked off, but I am skeptic. I want to go and I want to see him, but I am afraid that something might happen. I would love to be with him more than anything, I just don’t think he wants that. I understand that sometimes we fight like cats, and sometimes he takes things too serious, and sometimes I take things too serious. God we are so much alike, yet so different. I adore him, I just hate the game we are playing. I am sick of playing this sure we can’t be together, but we flirt all the time. I just want to be us. I know I put him through so many tests. I just want to make sure he is strong enough to be with me. Which he’s still around, but he’s not a strong as most people I have tested. Well I think I am going to go the bed for now..

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