Back to ‘Gone’

I wrote a poem once called “Gone Again.” I will not bore you with the details, that seems hardly fair. I will, however, content myself with talking a little about the episode in question. That is, the writing of the thing.

Yes, this is an entry, a diarist’s claim, and not, in fact, a story. This will be my second of these, probably though, none of you will realize. This, of course, assuming that I still have those who read. Now, “Gone Again.”

I wrote this poem before I was a writer. This I find rather funny. The piece is anything but insightful, and really offers far less than it should. The question then becomes, why am I telling of it? Well, I guess because there is purity to it, a beauty that can only lie in the undetermined. That’s why.

I think to be a writer, to call yourself one anyway, means very much and very little all at once. I think that to be a writer one must write, yes, but write something. I had a teacher once, the best there could have been, who loathed my vagueness. When I wrote, he would push and push for the details, of which I skimped upon. And then, one day, I wrote what he had wanted me to write- the whole story. Once I did, I saw something new, a completion of unparalleled satisfaction. I bring this up for two reasons:

  1. Details mean everything.
  2. At times, I still to this day believe, vagueness is not only acceptable but also necessary.

The second point is in relation to what I said earlier about being a writer. To write something is a vague statement, but I feel it conveys precisely what it needs to. To write, to be a writer, one must communicate through the written word. Simplicity is the culprit in this definition, I know. But past simplicity is complexity. It’s a backward concept. Truly it is.

The reason I brought up my old poem, my “Gone Again,” is because I wrote the thing without giving it a second thought. And now I think about it often. To me it represents an emotion that refused to practice. It concerns a man and a woman, and what else is there to know? But, to me, well, I see everything inside of it.

Today I write to you all as I am. Today I am not a killer, not a madman, not a jade stone. I am but myself. I am just, plainly and simply, a writer. I do not ask for much more.

A guy

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i just wanted to let you know that i love this and as much as i love your stories, i wish there were more like this.. more real.. more.. you.. oh, and i’m sorry, but i had to laugh at this part: “Today I am not a killer” i know where you were going with that and that i took that out of context, but it was still a funny line.. miss you

aww.. we click.. *huge smile* and, “thanks for noting, i didn’t think anyone would”.. wtf? you have a huge cult following.. as a matter of fact, i used to think that my notes would get lost among the masses of your extensive fanbase notes.. haha.. maybe not quite that extreme, but still.. people love the catapiller..

like you had to question whether or not you made the cut.. haha.. no list i will ever make would be complete without my catapiller..