A Continuous Reality

An entity left something to be desired. This something was being. The entity made being universal and, what’s worse, self-evident. The entity made an awful calamity, and it did not seek out its remedy.

Did I have a conversation with the door? Or did I simply open the thing? Did I read the signs of institution? Or did I simply trace the result? I would say the latter. For, such disciplines have already felt recognition and disregard. At my hand is knowledge. Presentation follows suit.

So, going back to the entity, our human cries were ignored. Our proposal to name the outspoken was silenced. And so we lashed out. We were forced to explain that which found explanation within all else. And in our own silly pronouncement, we witnessed truth for what was the very first time.

In my own average everyday, I find the world constantly changing its dynamic. The creature must be fit to maintain pace. Yet, I do not concern myself. For my mind has never rolled it over. Not once have I ever thought what I do not have the ability to think.

An entity maintains a profound power to do what is not to be done. It can present a query with no purpose, yet give it its own. It can break the unbreakable. Such is being. But where would it pull the unpulled? Rather, what is the thing’s reasoning? It does not require necessity. Such is the nature of the entity. We are but beasts in its frame.

Continuous reality forbids us to deny thought. A strict circumference binds the condition within law. The law is forced by spacious anger. And universally we see ourselves. Typicality allows thought’s perspective. Yet, typicality does not allow thought’s silence. And this never has and never will occur to being, or anyone else for that matter.


It becomes an issue when it is needed. Then you will begin to care. When it is no longer there when you need it; only then will you ask why.

A guy

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April 28, 2004

ok. so philosophy should be your major at college. and mail has already been read and answered! =)

Your writing and christmas music filled with electric guitars. gee, my morning was Swell

(no saracasm intended)

“continuous reality forbids us to deny thought”… especially when the person thinking the thought is over-analytical.. now who could that be? this, as always, was very thought provoking.. i like it that your writing makes me stay on my toes.. your talent never ceases to amaze me..

Why is what I always seem to be asking myself.. I guess until that question is answerd then I’m just shit out out of luck.. But anyways… WHats up? I’m doing alot better than yesterday.. I guess you could say.. Well i’m gonna go…

I changed my name so if when you get messages from Depression Kittie thats still me.. (Sexy Kittie) lol.. Well i’m gonna go..
